14-Foot Snake Skin Uncovered In Attic Leads To An Astonishing Discovery

By: Lauren Wurth | Published: Nov 11, 2023

Snakes are nothing new to Australians. The country is ridden with them, and finding one lurking in your home is relatively common. However, this homeowner didn’t bargain for what he found in his home after calling a snake removal service.

The homeowner called a professional snake removalist after suspecting the presence of a snake in his home. However, what they found left them shocked, leading to an even bigger discovery.

A Suspicious Activity

A homeowner who learned to look out for snakes and other animals on his own didn’t hesitate to reach out one day when he suspected an intruder. Although he never spotted the snake, he was suspicious that one must be lurking around.


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He looked for the best snake removal service in the area and settled with Snake Catchers Brisbane and Gold Coast. What they found made him glad he didn’t dismiss his gut feeling.

Making the Right Move

Although the idea of a snake in your home can be scary, the homeowner remained calm. He was smart enough to call a professional snake removal service and avoid approaching the animal. He also ensured that his family stayed away from the area they had found the snake.


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He knew snakes were unpredictable, so he was anxious to have them removed from his home. Therefore, he waited anxiously for professionals to arrive and help remove the snake. 

Enter Bryce Lockett

Bryce Locket is a professional snake removalist and one of the country’s most knowledgeable and respected snake experts. Although Lockett has worked with a wide range of snake species, nothing prepared him for what he would find in this home. 


Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

It felt like another day for Bryce as he made a move and arrived at the home. The owner didn’t hesitate to share with Bryce what he had found and what he expected. All geared up, Bryce got to work.

Learning the Details

The homeowner shared that he and his family had noticed a scaly tail coming from the ceiling overhead while using the bathroom. He described the scaly tail hanging out of a hole in the roof where the plumbing had gone through.


Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Bryce noted all the information, knowing that this was usually the first indication that a reptile had taken up residence in a home. Deep down, Bryce recognized that this also likely meant there was something more. 

Finding the Intruder

Bryce got to work searching for the intruding reptile, and soon, he discovered the massive remnants of a snake’s shed skin in the attic. It was over 14 feet long! Although Bryan worked with snakes daily, he was impressed by the length of the find. 

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

It became clear to him that this was no ordinary snake he sought. Bryce was excited to find the skin fully intact; it rarely happened with snakes over 10 feet. A fully-intact snake skin, however, indicated that there was a real snake close by.


Backed Into a Corner

Bryce continued his search even more carefully. It was clear that this snake would be a whopper, and Bryce didn’t want to be caught off-guard. A little more searching and Bryce found the snake curled up into a wall cavity. 

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Although the snake was hard to remove at first, Bryce had some experience and carefully maneuvered around the tight corners to extract the snake. He soon discovered it was a coastal carpet python native to the region.


A Jaw Dropper

Bryce wasn’t disappointed; the snake was a jaw-dropper based on its length. Coastal carpet pythons are quite common but can also be dangerous to humans when not handled right. It requires certain expertise to know what to do in an encounter with a carpet python.

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Although this gigantic reptile has no venom, it has 100 small sharp teeth, making it dangerous in many other ways. When locked in a room with a novice, the coastal carpet python can be dangerous to handle. 


Expectations and Reality

Although the snake skin was 14 feet long, the python itself was not quite as long as the skin it had shed. This didn’t mean the snake didn’t shed the skin, so what had happened?

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Skins tend to stretch while being shed, leading to the extended length of the snakeskin. However, the coastal carpet python still measured over 10 feet long. Bryce marveled at its unique size. He revealed that the snake made it to the list of the ten largest snakes he had ever caught.


Grateful for an Expert

The homeowner was grateful to have Bryce around to help remove the snake. Although he had read online and read books about snakes, it was apparent that he wouldn’t know what to do with such a giant snake in his home.

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

However, Bryce had experience with these types of reptiles. Unlike most, Bryce had effectively captured and removed the snake without causing it harm.


Business to Handle

Although Bryce was fascinated by the jaw-dropping coastal carpet python, he didn’t have time to stick around. He had committed to other homeowners to come to check their properties for similar intruders.

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

However, Bryce couldn’t move around with the huge snake as it would attract the wrong attention. He knew he had to get rid of the snake and ensure it got to where it could no longer intrude on the home.


Keeping a Snake Alive

Although snakes are a source of fear for most people, it is hard to deny their crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance. Snakes help to control the rodent population that could damage crops and carries diseases.

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Unfortunately, most snakes are threatened by people frightened by them and other factors. Bryce knew the importance of protecting these valuable animals and their habitats. So, he devised a plan for what to do with the snake.


Finding a New Home

Bryce escorted the snake to a new, more fitting location where no one could bother it. He chose a location where it could live its majestic life without bothering anyone with its massive size.  

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

Bryce drove to a wildlife corridor and let the snake out. He chose this location so the snake could be safe and continue to feed and grow. The homeowner was only too happy to let the snake go as long as it didn’t bother him anymore.


Making the Headlines

The story of the 14-foot snake skin didn’t go unnoticed. Many people heard about it and marveled at such a huge snake going unnoticed for so long. It made headlines as Bryce granted interviews about the snake and how he had discovered it. 

Source: Pinterest

Pictures of the snake and its jaw-dropping size began to make waves. The coastal carpet python quickly became a celebrity in a short while, although no one saw it again.  


A Thriving Business

That wasn’t the last snake Bryce caught or the last coastal carpet python that came across his path. The Snake Catchers became even more popular as more people reached out to the service when they spotted a snake in their homes.

Source: Snake Catchers/Facebook

The Snake Catchers took to educating their followers about the various types of snakes and shared what they did with the snakes once they had caught them.
