Life-Saving Emergency Tips Everyone Needs to Know

By: Lisa Lee | Last updated: May 18, 2023

In a crisis, it’s easy to assume that another person will take care of business and help the individual in trouble. Sadly, this often isn’t the case. Bystander apathy is a problem that sees many people simply watch events unfold, even when it’s clear that help is needed. Knowing how to react to emergencies in a fast and effective manner is essential for your own survival and the safety of everyone you meet.

While the internet is a great source of entertainment, it can also be a source of useful data. Indeed, the web can help you save lives, so long as you get the right information. To this end, we have gathered the most valuable life-saving skills and techniques that will assist you if an emergency situation arises.

Remove Your Clothes if You Encounter a Bear

While you may think your chances of seeing a polar bear are slim in light of the fact that they mostly live in Arctic places like Greenland and Russia, it’s worth knowing that polar bears have also been found in Northern Canada and Alaska. Regardless of whether it’s a polar bear, black bear, or grizzly, knowing what to do to save yourself is important.



For instance, if you run into a polar bear, you should remove your clothes as you flee. This may appear bizarre, but the bear will get diverted and stop to sniff the clothes, giving you an opportunity to move away.

If a Room Has a Fishy Odor, Unplug Everything

Electrical flames can obliterate homes due to defective wiring. It seems like they occur out of the blue; however, regular maintenance can forestall these dangerous situations. There are red flags to keep an eye out for that will help you catch an electrical fire before it gets out of control. For example, a fishy smell in the room when nobody is cooking fish is, well, fishy.



Circuits transmit this smell when they overheat, and at this point, fire is imminent. If you notice this, turn off everything, particularly where the smell is coming from, to prevent a life-threatening event. Your next move is to call in an electrician to investigate the issue.

Cyanide Smells Like Bitter Almonds

Uncommon scents can be pointers that dangerous substances are nearby. From gas leaks and toxins to different materials that can cause illnesses, certain scents can help you figure out what the issue is.



If you notice a smell like bitter almonds, yet there aren’t bitter almonds nearby, you need to get out. This is what cyanide smells like, and it could be an indication of potential poisoning. 

Metallic Taste in the Pool? Get Out Immediately

When you are swimming in a pool, you presumably aren’t attempting to taste the water since it is loaded with synthetic substances like chlorine. In any case, it gets in everybody’s mouths eventually.



If you are swimming and there is a metallic taste, move out immediately. This can be a sign of an electrical short in the water brought about by the pool’s electrical framework. Note that water and electricity can be a deadly blend. 

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If You Feel Heart Attack Symptoms, Chew Aspirin

If you have chest pain and difficulty breathing, it very well may be a heart attack. Should you or somebody you know experience the symptoms, Aspirin can be chewed to help blood move through the circulatory system quicker.

This can help break up any blood clots that may be causing issues, and the time saved by chewing it can save a person’s life. Having Aspirin on hand at all times can truly be a game-changer. 


Follow These Songs to Perform CPR Properly

CPR requires the right knowledge since compressions should be done at a specific rate. Some people are too slow and gentle with compressions, which probably won’t save a victim’s life. 


To perform compressions appropriately, follow the beat for the chorus of one of three tunes, including Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust,” “Stayin’ Alive,” by the Bee Gees, or “Nelly the Elephant” by Toy Dolls. Press down firmly with each beat to keep the right speed. 


That Tornado Isn’t Standing Still – It’s Coming for You

There are places on the planet where tornadoes are common, but if you are not used to them, you probably won’t know what to do if you see one on the horizon. Thankfully, there are some reliable ways to assess the situation and find shelter.


If you see a tornado, observe the path it is traveling along. If it appears as though it is remaining in one spot, it is moving towards you. As such, you need to move and find shelter immediately. 


If The Ocean Retreats, You Should Too

When you go to the beach, the tide changes throughout the day. This is natural. However, if you don’t pay attention to it, the strong undercurrent can knock you off your feet and put you in danger. 


If you are paddling in the waves and notice them going further back than usual, the best thing to do is get to high ground. A sudden massive retreat like this can indicate that a tidal surge is about to hit. 


Raw Onion Can Prevent Your Windshield from Freezing

Removing ice from your windshield can be aggravating, particularly if you are behind schedule and the ice is too difficult to even think about scratching off. Thankfully, there’s an easy solution.


Rather than battling with your windshield, rub a raw onion on the glass the night before, and you will not need to stress over an ice-shrouded window in the morning. This will save you time and energy, improve your visibility when driving, and decrease your chances of getting in an accident. 

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Never Put Out Grease Fires with Water

One of the worst disasters that can happen in the kitchen is a grease fire. When one does occur, most people don’t have the foggiest idea about the appropriate method for putting it out. However, if you make a mistake at this critical moment, it can make the fire much worse.


Your instinct may be to toss water on the fire, but that is the last thing you should do. Grease fires should be smothered, so utilize baking soda or a large pan to deny it oxygen. Water has oxygen in it, so tossing water on a grease fire will make it rage out of control. 


Follow Your Parents’ Advice: Don't Stare at the Sun 

Our folks consistently advised us not to gaze at the sun since it can harm our eyes, and they were correct. The sun may be brilliant and delightful, yet it can damage your eyes forever, and nobody needs that. 


Some people assume it’s okay to skip eye protection during an eclipse. However, this is precisely the time when you must be extra careful. A bit of direct sunlight can burn your retinas permanently. That 2-minute eclipse is not worth ruining your vision. 


Never Put Your Feet on the Dashboard

Numerous travelers put their feet on the dashboard during long vehicle rides since it is convenient and comfortable. However, this can be exceptionally hazardous if an accident occurs.


The airbags are in the dashboard, and if they deploy while somebody has their feet up, they can cause serious injuries such as hip fractures, broken legs, or even death. Though it probably won’t be as convenient, keep your legs on the ground for your safety.


Knowing SOS Can Save You

While morse code isn’t something most people need to understand, everybody should know one critical code in case they ever end up in harm’s way. SOS was generally utilized by ships in trouble, yet it can be used in many situations. 


If you are at serious risk and can’t call for help, knowing the SOS morse code can help you. It consists of three short dots, three dashes, and another three dots. It’s straightforward and simple to remember.


When Signing Legal Documents, Always Write the Full Year 

When you are dating and signing legal records, you might have gotten used to writing the MM/DD/YY format as opposed to writing the entire year. It is assumed that 21 is short for 2021, however, that can lead to problems.


To ensure your legal records aren’t able to be tampered with, write all four digits of the year. If you don’t, others can alter the date on your papers. An additional second to add the two extra numbers to the date can spare you from a major headache in the future. 

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Protect Yourself from Lightning Strikes

Lightning may look beautiful, but it is also dangerous. It can take your life in a matter of seconds, so it is ideal to know what to do to avoid getting seriously harmed.


The best approach to secure yourself is to hunker down near the ground, cover your ears, and ensure the only things contacting the ground are your feet. This posture safeguards you since lightning typically strikes the tallest objects, and it additionally shields your hearing from uproarious thunder.


Protect Your Dogs in the Winter

If you live in a spot that is regularly visited by snow and ice, you already know that walkways and streets can be hazardous. Most towns and cities salt the streets and walkways to help people avoid mishaps, but this can be unsafe for our doggos.


The chemicals in the salt used to prevent ice build-up are harmful to dogs. Each time you take your dog outside, try to clean its paws when it comes inside. Better yet, have your pup wear booties. This can keep your pets from becoming extremely ill. 


Take the Stairs When There’s a Flash Flood

Floods are more prevalent than many people suspect, and they can be unnerving if you are caught off guard. In a condition of shock, you may freeze and not know what to do. However, being ready can help you act instinctively and do the right thing. 

Getty Images

If you live in a tall building, it may seem prudent to take a lift. Though it’s usually the quickest option, flooding can cause electrical damage, and the lift can stall. That said, it’s better to use the stairs, not just during floods, but in any kind of crisis. The last thing you want is to get stuck in a lift. 


Never Put Peppermint Oil on a Tick

There are countless hacks on the web to help you make life simpler, but not all of them ought to be followed, particularly when they are health hacks. You must be cautious about what tips you follow, and this one should be avoided at all costs.

A viral video circulated not too long ago, featuring a lady putting peppermint oil on a tick. However, this isn’t good for you. If you have a tick embedded into your skin, the safest approach is to seek medical advice. Peppermint oil can cause ticks to salivate more, and this puts you at a higher risk of contracting Lyme disease.


Basements Should Be Your Go-To During a Tornado

Tornadoes are dangerous and ruinous, which is why places frequented by tornadoes have exceptional shelters to go into. It is vital to take cover when there is a tornado, and the most secure spot to be is in a storm shelter or basement. 


Underground shelters can shield you from the force of the tornado. It is crucial to settle underground until the danger has passed before venturing out to evaluate the damage. 

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If Your Vehicle Is Sinking, Use the Headrest to Break the Window

Car accidents happen every day, and unfortunately, they can easily turn deadly. One situation that often occurs in TV shows and movies is a vehicle sinking in water. Though many characters escape such situations, their methods are often questionable. Thankfully, there is one sure-fire way to get out.


If you end up in this circumstance, stay calm and keep your focus. Pull the headrest out of your seat and use the metal rods to break the window so you can swim to the surface. 


If Someone Is Shivering, Make Sure They Keep Their Clothes On

In freezing places, hypothermia can happen to anybody who doesn’t have enough layers to maintain their body warmth. Frigid temperatures can turn deadly if you are not secure, and persistent shivering shouldn’t be ignored.


Extreme hypothermia makes individuals experience “paradoxical undressing,” which means they remove their clothes even though they are freezing. This can make them freeze to death, so somebody should watch them to ensure they don’t take their clothes off.


Perform CPR on a Firm Surface

If you discover somebody in need of CPR, it’s important to set them up in the right way first to ensure your actions have the desired result. If they are on a soft surface like a bed, you may need to maneuver them onto the floor. 


If you do compressions on somebody while they are on a soft surface, the force will be consumed by the cushion instead of the individual’s chest. The force needs to go to the heart for CPR to save somebody. 


Place An Empty Glass on Your Door Handle

This tip is used to protect you, especially when you are staying in a hotel or Airbnb and are concerned about the security of the area. If you’re fearful of intruders that could potentially put your life in danger, before going to bed, lock your door and put an empty drinking glass on the inside handle.

YouTube/ Bright Side

This way, if an intruder jiggles the handle and enters your room, the glass will fall and break. The sound of the breaking glass acts as an alarm system for yourself to alert you that someone has entered the room. It may serve as an alarm for the culprit as well. The noise may scare them away or perhaps they’ll immediately step onto the broken glass within the room, giving you more time to act.


Don't Answer Calls from Anonymous Numbers

While it may appear glaringly evident to disregard calls from unknown callers, many people still answer and wind up getting misled. Fraud happens to one in every 20 Americans, and as we depend more on technology, it is easier for con artists to exploit vulnerable individuals. 


While you may be interested to know who the anonymous caller is, it’s best to reject it since it is normally a trick. A few con artists even use technology to make it look like a local number is calling you. 

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Protect Yourself During Flood Clean Up

Needless to say, flood water is grimy and is loaded with dangerous materials. With everything from animal waste to chemicals potentially lurking beneath the surface, you should not wade in it without protection.

Googles, boots, and gloves will shield you from contracting infections from the floodwater. If you have waders, even better. It is also crucial to disinfect these things to ensure they don’t bring germs back into your home. 


Follow the Birds to Find Drinkable Water if You Get Lost

If you are lost in the wild, discovering drinkable water is crucial. This may be easier said than done if you are not a seasoned outdoor trekker. However, there is a neat trick anyone can use. Following the birds is an easy way to find safe water to drink. Toward the beginning of the day, birds fly straight to the nearest water source, so following them is a good idea.


They fly to their homes in the evening; so, if it is getting dark and you need water, head in the opposite direction. Remaining hydrated will keep you ready and alert until you can find help.


Burning A Crayon Can Give You Light in an Emergency

Other than entertaining kids during a power outage, many people wouldn’t imagine that crayons could prove useful in a crisis. If the power goes out, one of the first things you’ll want is an alternative source of light. Believe it or not, crayons can save the day if you don’t have candles handy. 


Burning a crayon can give you enough light for half an hour. Along these lines, you will not need to squander your telephone battery utilizing the flashlight app. With a big box of crayons, you will have sufficient light for a whole evening. 


Create A Perimeter Alert

This life-saving tip is something all campers should know. You’ve probably heard of protecting your surroundings with a trip wire attached to cans so if an intruder steps into your area, you’ll hear the noise of cans clanking to serve as an alarm. However, for a quieter warning signal, use this glow stick trick instead.

Take a mousetrap, camouflage it to your surroundings, and tie a glow stick around the end of the trap. Now set up your trap wire and attach it to the release lever of the mousetrap. If an intruder steps in your area and sets off the trap wire, the mousetrap will strike the glow stick causing it to illuminate. This offers an immediate visual warning for whoever is guarding the camp.


Call a Professional if Your Garage Door Breaks

There are numerous ways you can fix things yourself around the home. However, there are a few key things that ought to be passed on to experts. This applies to mechanisms like the garage door which can cause physical injuries if you’re not fully versed on how to fix one. 


These doors have huge springs that can cause harm or death if your hand or clothing gets wrapped inside them. They twist firmly and quickly, so all repairs must be done by somebody who knows what they are doing.

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How to Save Yourself from Choking

If you live alone, the possibility of choking and having nobody to assist you can be terrifying. If somebody is choking around others, an individual can do the Heimlich maneuver, yet that is impossible if you are alone.

If there is nobody around to help you when you are choking, utilize the firm back of a seat, the edge of a counter, or the armrest of a couch to help with stomach pushes. By leaning over a seat, you can get the blockage out of your throat before it stifles you to death. 


Always Wear Bright Colors on Job Sites

Have you ever wondered why it is necessary to wear those ghastly orange vests on construction sites? The answer, as you probably guessed, is worksite safety. When heavy equipment is in use, deadly mishaps can happen. That is why bright vests and hardhats are required on job sites. 


The dazzling orange color makes you noticeable to everybody, thus reducing your chance of being accidentally harmed. While they may not be the most trendy accessories, it’s more important to be alive and well than fashionable. 


Keep Your Smoke Alarms Up to Date

Smoke alarms save many lives since they alert us in the earliest phases of a fire, giving us an opportunity to put it out or get someplace safe. However, if you don’t do regular checks and maintenance on them, they will not be efficient.


Smoke alarms ought to be checked yearly to ensure the batteries are working, and they should be replaced every decade. Each alarm has a date on it that decides when you need to replace it. Take note of this date and follow the instructions to keep your household protected.


Poisonous Snakes Can Be Tiny

If you’re not scared of snakes, you are a gutsy soul. Snake bites are common and depending on the sort of snake, they can be lethal if not treated right away. The best approach to protecting yourself from snake bites is to remain alert. 


Watch out for small movements in the grass or underbrush around your feet. Poisonous snakes can be small, so it’s important to be vigilant. If you are in an area where snakes are common, wear hiking boots and high socks for extra protection. Make some noise as you walk as snakes are usually more afraid of you than you are of them. 


Maintain A 3-Foot Safety Zone Around Your Grill

Barbecuing in your yard is a pleasant activity, especially when shared with your loved ones. However, grills demand caution since they include open flames that can put others in danger.


Have some security rules in place when grilling, and ensure everyone is aware of them. Keep your grill at least three feet from any structure in your yard, like play equipment, cars, or the walls of your house. Barbecue flames can spread quickly, but that distance gives you an opportunity to put them out if they get out of control. 

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Brown Coconuts Can Cause Significant Dehydration

Coconuts are often portrayed as a way to hydrate yourself since they have water in the center. However, not all coconuts are good to drink from, so it is important to know which ones are safe. You shouldn’t utilize brown coconuts for water. 


The oil inside these coconuts can cause a critical lack of hydration when consumed. Green coconuts are safe for water. However, brown coconut husks are combustible and repulse mosquitos, so they are still useful. 


Red Kidney Beans Are Deadly if Not Prepared Properly

Red kidney beans are a staple in certain individuals’ weight control plans; however, they can be deadly if not prepared in the right way. Dry, red kidney beans contain a poison that will cause genuine sickness if you ingest it.


To prepare them properly, heat up the beans for ten minutes and drain them before cooking them any way you like. This method is imperative to prevent serious stomach pains, queasiness, and vomiting.


Call 911 for Free from a Payphone

While payphones are rare today since everybody has a cellphone now, they can still be found here and there and are useful in the event of crises. If you need to call 911 (or the emergency number in your nation), don’t stress over scrambling for spare change. 


When calling an emergency number from a payphone, it is always free of charge. All telephones in the United States are furnished to contact 911 without payment. Likewise, if you have no credit left on your cell phone, you should still be able to call emergency services if you are in need of help. 


Save Yourself in a Stampede

Stampedes are uncommon, but they can and do occur from time to time. There have been a couple of fatal ones in the news as of late, so it’s worth knowing what to do if you find yourself caught up in one.


If you fall during a stampede and can’t get up right away, assume a defensive position with your hands covering your head and your feet tucked up. Attempt to angle yourself in the direction individuals are running, so you don’t get kicked in the head, and get back on your feet as fast as you can. 


Crushed Termites Repel Mosquitoes

Mosquito bites are among the most bothersome things about being in nature, and we genuinely don’t have the foggiest idea why mosquitoes even exist. If you are in a space with termites, this stunt will assist you with those annoying bloodsuckers if you run out of repellant. 


If you are close to termites, smash them up and use them as an insect repellent.  They are also edible if you are in a critical condition and need a decent source of protein. 

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The Two Things You Need to Cross a River Safely

Crossing a stream can be perilous and perhaps fatal if you don’t know the most secure approach. Even the most placid-looking river can have a strong undercurrent, so the first step is to never underestimate the power of water. To get a feel for what you’re working with, toss a stick in the water first.


If the stick moves rapidly downstream, it isn’t safe to cross. If you still think you might be able to cross but aren’t sure how deep the water is, find a light-colored stone and drop it in. 


How to Light a Match When it’s Windy

Fire is fundamental when you are exploring the great outdoors since it gives light, a spot to cook, and much-needed warmth. However, striking a match when it is windy is a challenging feat to achieve. 


A tip to make lighting the match easier is to pile your wood and kindling into a Christmas tree shape so the match will have some protection, even if a strong breeze is blowing. This will give you more opportunity to get the fire going, and you will squander fewer matches. As luck would have it, this method is also the best way to ensure your fire continues to be fed with the oxygen it needs to blaze strongly. 


Freeze Water Bottles Before a Hurricane

Preparing for a hurricane can be tough. Supermarket lines are crazy, and people panic-buy all the essential items, so you probably won’t get every one of the supplies you need. For this reason, It is a good idea to have a stock of all the basics at home. This will save you from scrambling for supplies when there really isn’t time to spare. 


Storms often cause blackouts, but you can keep food safe in your freezer by stocking it with water bottles. If a hurricane hits and causes a power outage, you can move the frozen water bottles into the refrigerator to keep your food cooler for longer.


Quick Way to Make a Fire

Fire is essential during an emergency, especially when it’s cold and dark. You need a fire to keep warm, to cook water and food, and as a source of light. However, matches and lighters could get wet or just not be readily available. In that case, you need an alternative way to start a fire without getting hurt or causing damage.

Here’s a tip used by survivalists that could save your life if you’re ever in a difficult situation. All you need is a fire kindle, a chewing gum wrapper, and a battery. Gather some kindle for your fire. Then, take the wrapper, twist it, and put it on both ends of the battery. When the ends touch, you’ll be able to create a flame that you can use to set the kindle alight.


Mark Trees Along Your Way in a Forest

Getting lost in a forest can be scary — there are so many horror films and documentaries that show how dangerous forests and woods can be. If you travel through one, it’s a good idea to go in prepared. Marking your way as you move is a great way to prevent getting lost.

Source: UNH Cooperative Extension

All you need is something like chalk so you can mark the trees you pass. That way, you can keep track of where you’ve been. If you mark the trees with arrows, you can also indicate which direction you came from.

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Determine How Many Hours of Daylight Are Left

Camping can be a lot of fun but requires some forward-thinking and planning to ensure everything goes smoothly. It’s important to know how many hours of daylight you have so you can set up your camp in time. If you’re in the middle of a disaster or crisis, it’s also essential to know how much longer you’ll have sunlight.

To determine how many hours of daylight you have, line up your hand with the horizon. Try to get your hand as parallel to the horizon as possible. Stack your hands on top of each other, moving towards the sun until they cover the bottom of it. Count how many hands it takes to reach the bottom of the sun — that is how many hours are left until the sun will set.


Know Which Spiders Are Venomous

Spiders are feared by many of us, but in most cases, they can’t do as much harm as you’d expect. In general, spider bites aren’t a problem unless you’re allergic. However, there are still venomous spiders that you need to be wary of, and you need to get medical treatment as soon as you’ve been bit.


Identifying spiders is important so you can tell when you need to stay away or get help if they bite you. Research which spiders in your area you should be concerned about and write down what they look like. Keep this information somewhere it can be easily reached, such as on your fridge door.


Learn How to Open Locks

Not all tips are life-saving, but all the advice shared here will help make your life easier in case of an emergency. Knowing how to unlock locks will help you get into your home if you’ve lost your keys or locked yourself out.


You can pick your lock with a flathead screwdriver, bobby pin, or butter knife. In fact, anything sturdy and flat enough can be used, even a razor blade. There are many online videos that will teach you how to unlock all kinds of locks.


Make a Temporary Compass

A compass can be very handy to avoid getting lost, but if you’ve somehow lost yours or don’t have one, you can still make a temporary replacement to help you find your way.

Source: Off Grid Survival

You can use a magnetized metal such as a needle to put together a makeshift compass to determine where North is. Simply magnetize the needle by rubbing it on fur or hair roughly 100 times. Then place the needle on a leaf that could float on water. Ensure no wind blows on the leaf, and keep other metal objects away. It should start to point north-south if you’ve rubbed it enough times.


Cleaning Wounds

Removing foreign material from wounds is important to ensure it doesn’t get infected or take longer to heal. Germs and bacteria can be very harmful to your body, so you have to clean any wounds you have properly to remove foreign bodies.

Source: facebook

Flood your wound with bottled or running water, and use a saline solution if you have it available. Clean around the wound with soap if you have any, pat it dry, and cover with a clean cloth or bandage.

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Purify Natural Water

Although the term ‘natural water’ makes you think of pure spring water, it’s not a good idea to drink the water you find in puddles or lakes in the forest. They could be filled with inedible debris, so you should have a way to clean any natural water you find in case of an emergency. Eating snow is also not good; it doesn’t prevent dehydration and reduces body heat.


You can make a makeshift water purifier by using an empty bottle, gravel, coarse sand, charcoal, and fine sand, placing them from coarse to fine. Pour the water through the layers, and you’ll have filtered water.


Send Emergency Signals

If you’re ever in a difficult situation or lost and can’t reach a phone or someone to help you, sending an emergency signal could save your life. Making a fire is one of the easiest and best ways to send a signal that will be seen miles away.


You can use fresh spruce and pine leaves, wet leaves collected from other trees on top of a fire to create a lot of smoke. You could even burn rubber materials because they make lots of smoke. If you can’t make a fire, use reflective materials like mirrors, polished metal, jewelry, or CDs to attract attention.


Escape Riptides

Riptides can be very scary and even lead to drowning, so it’s a good idea to know what to do if you get stuck in one. Being prepared for an emergency natural disaster can help save your life.


First of all, do your best not to panic. If you panic, you might go down under the water faster and drown. You should not attempt to fight it either, you’ll only get exhausted. Simply swim parallel to the shore, and try to go with the flow. The riptide will dissipate eventually, and you’ll be able to swim to safety.


Make Four Right Turns if You Are Being Followed

If you feel you are being followed by another car, make either four left or four right turns in a row. This strategy narrows the likelihood of the driver behind you tailing you by coincidence, as you’d have just made a complete square with your car.


If the person is still behind you after doing this, drive to your local police or fire station. Do not go to your home!


Rely on Your National Embassy While Abroad

While traveling abroad is rich in adventure, with your home base, friends, and family so far away, it also puts you at a disadvantage if something goes awry.


Call your country’s embassy while abroad for issues involving police, a lost passport, medical issues, legal, or if you’ve been a victim of a crime. Most of these consuls will have emergency numbers that you can reach them at 24 hours a day.

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Keep a First Aid Kit for Your Car

Order yourself a basic first aid kit for your vehicle. When in a bind, this small amount of forethought can go a long way in something minor like a cut to something more significant like a choking incident or a sprain injury that needs immediate wrapping.

Source: Facebook

Try to find a first aid kit that includes basic manuals on how to perform CPR or create a tourniquet. This can be kept in your dashboard, trunk, or behind the driver’s seat for easier access.


Keep a Secret Storage of Cash

Keep a secret cash stash for times you don’t have or want your wallet. Either when you are traveling to places like the beach or for a secret compartment in your car in case of emergency, it is best to have some spare cash for backup.


For your pants or purse, empty out a Chapstick with a cotton swab and roll a $20 or $50 bill inside. In your car, keep some cash under the mat of the driver’s seat or in your glove compartment.


Keep Your Cash in Separate Places While Traveling

Never store your traveling cash in one place. This ensures that if a thief can locate some of your travel money, they have less likelihood of finding all of it and leaving you strapped in a new place.


Roll a medium sum of cash into a sock in your suitcase, store the largest amount in an accessible yet hidden place within your luggage, and bring enough in your wallet for each day when you go out and about.


Removing A Splinter

Splinters are never fun to get and never fun to take out. If you’re camping, out in the wilderness, or work with wood often, you’re probably used to getting many splinters. When a small piece or wood pierces your skin not only is it painful, but you want to ensure you remove it the right way so it doesn’t cause an infection. Before removing a splinter, ensure the entry point is properly cleaned and dried and that any tool you use is sanitized before starting the process.

Source: facebook

Using tweezers of course is the best way to remove a splinter, but if you don’t have tweezers lying around, you can try other items like duct tape. Apply the duct tape to the splinter area, wait 30 minutes, then pull the tape off and hopefully the splinter along with it. You can also try using a sanitized needle to poke at the skin until the splinter is more visible for removal. Or try using solutions such as a hydrogen peroxide soak to help the splinter come out easier.


Create Your Own Lantern

Strap a headlamp to a water jug to create an emergency lamp. The headlamp will illuminate a large area if you are in the dark with more than just one person or are wanting a more 360 viewpoint of your surroundings.


This hack is accessible for camping as well as in case of an emergency if the lights go out in a storm. Keep a jug with your emergency pack. To create better lighting, attach the jug to a string and hang it up.

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Prepare for Your Beloved Pet in Case of Emergency

Pack an emergency preparedness kit for your pet. The kit should include cans or a bag of their food, a food and water dish, a leash, a towel, and any medicine. If your pet is smaller you can also include a bed. If an emergency ever strikes and you had to be out the door in a hurry, this will save you time.


Keep your pet’s emergency to-go kit with your own stash in a cool and dry storage place in a plastic bin with a lid.


Don’t Get Stuck in the Dark, Store Flashlights

Keep flashlights in well thought out places in case of a power outage or if you get stuck on the side of the road. This includes next to your electrical box, in the dashboard of your car, or in your nightstand. Ensure that all flashlights have up to date batteries.


To go the extra mile, keep extra batteries in the same places that you store your flashlights. That way, if they become old or you run out, you are well prepared.


Stay Up to Date with News Without Internet

If by chance you find that you have cell service but no internet, you can still receive news to your phone. You don’t need to have a Twitter account to receive tweets via text message. Text: “Follow [username]” to 40404 on a U.S.-based phone. For instance, if you want to receive tweets from @KUSINEWS, text “Follow kusinews” to 40404.


This will assist you in natural disasters or to know what you can expect regarding the local weather if you are stuck in some capacity.


Keep Jumper Cables in Your Car

Always carry jumper cables in your car in short or long-distance drives. This tip will be helpful to you financially and for safety reasons to avoid high towing fees or getting stuck somewhere for long amounts of time.


You can also invest in self-reliant electrical jumper cables. This savvy plan is most useful somewhere more remote where another car may not be accessible to assist you, or if your car dies in a difficult position for standard cables to reach and jump start your car.


Make Your Own Ice Pack

If you end up with an injury that has potential to cause swelling or bruising but do not have an ice pack to alleviate the pain, fear not! Place a completely saturated sponge in a small sandwich bag which zips closed. Allow the sponge to freeze and apply to your injury. The zipped bag will keep the ice water contained as the sponge melts.


You can repeat the process with multiple sponges to ensure that once the first one melts you can continue to apply coldness.

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Create Ready to Use Fireballs

On your next camping trip, don’t forget the Vaseline and cotton balls! These two materials combined make for perfect flammable material to get your next campfire roaring. Simply roll the cotton balls inside the Vaseline so they get nice and sticky and place them at the base of your fire setup.

Source: facebook

You can pre-make these or bring the materials on your trip. An alternative to cotton balls is the lint you pull out from your dryer after you’ve done your laundry!


Get Persistent Mouth Sores Checked Out

If you have a mouth more that does not improve after a few weeks or worsens, contact a doctor or dentist as soon as you can. While it may seem like a canker sore, it could actually turn out to be something much more serious.

Source: The Conversation

To ensure that you are not suffering from oral cancer, consult with a professional. Oral cancer can appear also as small white ulcerations inside the mouth.


Surviving a Potential Lightning Strike

If you are outside and your hair begins to rise and/or skin begins to tingle, you are most certainly in danger of being struck by lightning. Crouch down as low as you can without lying down. The only thing that should be touching the ground are the balls of your feet. Place your hands over your ears to minimize hearing loss.

Source: Quora

Touch the heels of your feet together to try to minimize ground electricity from going into your body, instead going in one foot and out the other.


Keep Your Carbon Monoxide Detectors Up to Date

It is crucial to test your carbon monoxide detectors once a month to ensure they are working properly. In order to test them, press and hold the test button on the alarm.

Source: Wawanesa Insurance

The alarm will sound four beeps and then a pause, then will beep for 5-6 seconds. Carbon monoxide poisoning is very subtle and can lead to severe mental dysfunction and death.


Follow the Bubbles

If you find yourself in a deep body of water and are unsure which way is up and which way is down, you are most likely already in a panic. Although you don’t want to waste a ton of breath, attempt to observe which direction the bubbles around you are going and follow them.

Source: EyeEm

The reason for this is that the oxygen will rise and will help you orient yourself to get to the surface.

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Cold Water Immersion

If you find yourself thrust into cold water, resist the urge to thrash around. Use the “HELP” technique: Heat, Escape, Lessening Posture.

Source: BOATsmart!

This posture involves bringing your knees close to your chest and wrapping your arms tightly around them both. This prevents as much heat from escaping; however, this requires a life jacket to be effective.


You Can Make Emergency Calls with No Service

Your phone can still make emergency calls without any cellular service. The way this works is that your phone finds your servers closest cell towers and then connects you to whoever you are calling is closest cell tower and connects you.

Source: Amber Case

When you are out of range from your own cell tower, the emergency call signal will find the closest network tower it can to transmit the call for you.


Do Not Extinguish a Grease Fire with Water

If you are cooking and find that a grease fire has ignited in your kitchen, do not throw water on it under any circumstances. This can cause burning grease to splash, which will make the fire spread and potentially injure bystanders.

Source: Wikipedia

The fire should be smothered in order to put it out. Furthermore, do not move a pan or pot that contains burning oil, as the splashing oil poses a very serious threat to the mover’s skin.


Birch Bark is Flammable Even When Wet

This tip may seem niche, but who knows! It may come in handy. The bark from white birch will still burn when wet (although of course it burns better when it is dry).

Source: Modern Survival Blog

The oil in the bark resists the rainwater and keeps it flammable. To start a fire, take a portion of the bark and use a knife to scrape away small sections until you create fine shavings, creating natural shavings.


Know the Signs of a Stroke

Use the “FAST” acronym to know the symptoms of a stroke. Facial drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulties, and time. Knowing the acute symptoms of a stroke in someone else may help you assist them faster and thereby lessen the damage brought on by the stroke.

Source: YouTube

Other symptoms include sudden confusion, trouble seeing in one or both eyes, dizziness, loss of balance, or a lack of coordination.

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What to Do if You Are Being Asked to Stop from Unmarked Car

If you are in an area that is not well lit and are being asked to pull over from an unmarked car (or a police car) you are allowed to seek a better lit and/or populated area before stopping.


Another good idea is to call the police station while doing so (safely of course) and tell them your location, model of car, and name and ensure that there is one of their officers actively behind you. You can also let them know you intend to pull over once you are in a safer place.


Falling Through the Ice

If you fall through ice, try to remain calm. It is crucial that you not waste precious body heat and energy. Focus on your breathing and staying afloat, as your body’s natural reaction will be to gasp for air which can lead to hyperventilating.


Get horizontal and figure out how you’re going to pull yourself out of the water. Grab the top of the ice and use your forearms and elbows to prop yourself up. Once out of the water, do not stand up, rather roll to avoid penetrating the ice again and falling in.
