41 Ridiculous Moments Captured on Camera at the Gym
The gym can be an overwhelming place at the best of times. It’s an environment characterized by muscular physiques, pumping music, strange smells, and sweaty surfaces. While some people enjoy it, most of us go there out of obligation. Indeed, there’s no happier moment than when your workout is done and you’re relaxing in the sauna or under a cool shower.
For the people in this article, the gym became more than just a place of sweaty suffering. They encountered people and behaviors so bizarre they had no choice but to capture them on camera. Get set to see some crazy costumes, awkward accessories, and questionable use of fitness equipment.
Do we need to call an exorcist?
What would you think if you saw this in your local gym? Call us crazy, but it looks like this person needs an exorcism. Perhaps the most surprising part of the image is the fact that the guy spotting him seems completely unphased by the unholy position his friend has contorted himself into.

Source: yaplakal
In reality, this guy is probably an off-duty contortionist getting in some strength training. It’s also possible that he has Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder (HSD) or a variant of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, both of which can give you added flexibility in your joints.
An attempt was made
This woman is making a valiant attempt to put the gym equipment to good use. However, she should probably take another look at the instructions before proceeding. In fact, it might be more prudent to check in with one of the personal trainers.

Source: science-a2z
Many gyms offer free induction sessions with their personal trainers to ensure situations like this don’t occur. They want you to be able to use their equipment safely and effectively. So, instead of winging it like this woman, we recommend using their services!
You’re doing it wrong
This lady looks like a seasoned gym buff, but this photo proves that appearances can be deceiving. She may have dressed the part, but she clearly didn’t bother to figure out how to use the squat machine properly.

Source: science-a2z
We will, at least, give her points for showing up and making an effort. She cares about staying in shape and is getting her money’s worth out of her gym membership. All she needs to do now is learn how to use the equipment properly, and she’ll be unstoppable.
Next level
Some people develop so much skill at the gym that regular exercises get boring for them. When this happens, it’s perfectly fine to up the intensity or difficulty level to ensure you’re still challenging yourself. Just maybe don’t follow this guy’s lead when it’s time for you to level up.

Source: science-a2z
We appreciate the skill involved in mastering this move, but we’re not so sure about the safety side of things. If this guy slips, he could endanger his life and the safety of anyone in the vicinity. Maybe he should just try Muay Thai if he wants a bigger challenge!
Look down
This picture of a guy doing bench presses looks perfectly normal until you scroll down. Take a look at the ground below his bench, and the whole scene takes on a different vibe.

Source: science-a2z
How adorable is that? The guy’s pet parrot wants to get ripped too, so he’s lifting weights with his human companion. This has given us an idea for a new business – an animal-friendly gym where you can pump iron with your pets. There are a few safety concerns to iron out, but we’re sure it’ll be a popular place.
Aspirational elder
What an inspirational woman! We want to be just like her when we reach our 80s. This woman proves that you don’t have to slow down or lose your fitness as you age. Instead, keep visiting the gym, lifting weights, and rocking your favorite matching tracksuit!

Source: science-a2z
This woman has an aspirational style, and she looks fit, happy, and healthy to boot. Here’s hoping we all have as much energy and vitality as her when we reach that age. Thanks for the inspiration!
Always ready
When you’re a superhero, you can’t afford to slack off, even in your downtime. Instead, you have to be always ready to run into the fray and save lives. This is clearly the case for Batman, who keeps his suit on, even at the gym.

Source: science-a2z
We wonder what the story behind this picture is. Was it taken on Halloween? Or does this guy dress as Batman all the time? Perhaps he’s in the witness protection program and has come up with a unique and entertaining way to protect his identity when he works out.
Wario lifts
Even video game villains need to work out, as proven by the candid image of Wario captured in the wild. Yes, Mario’s arch-rival Wario apparently likes to take human form three times a week so he can hit the gym and stay in shape. How else will he ensure he’s battle-ready?

Source: Imgur
In all seriousness, we’re big fans of coordinating gym outfits like this one. More power to the man wearing it – make the gym your runway, and don’t worry what other people think.
Krillin it
Here’s another fictional character stepping out into the real world to fit in a workout. This time, it’s Krillin from Dragon Ball Z. Though he was only ever a supporting character, Krillin’s strength stats were impressive. So, it’s no wonder this gym-goer likes channeling his energy.

Source: Reddit
If we had to choose a Dragon Ball Z character to dress as at the gym, we’d probably go for Vegeta. He has that fiery energy you need to get through a tough workout. Which cartoon character would you like to dress up as for your next workout?
This guy needs a new haircut
We’re all for going to the gym in costume, but we do not recommend this costume. Here’s hoping the guy is just a huge fan of Charlie Chaplin. If not, we can’t imagine why he thought this haircut and mustache style was acceptable.

Source: Imgur
If you’re not sure what the problem is here, we suggest doing some research on World War II and then coming back to us. For the rest of you, the problem with this picture surely doesn’t need any further explanation. Moving on!
Watch out for banana peels
This has got to be the cutest image on this list. Anyone who’s ever played Mario Kart will know exactly what the guy in the picture is doing. We can’t believe how much effort he put into the costume. A lot of paper-mache work must have gone into constructing that cloud!

Source: quiterly
We have to admit, we would be far more motivated to complete the race if we had this guy’s support. Excuse us while we go fire up our old Super Nintendo and dig out the controllers.
Multitasking master
Researchers seem to be in agreement now that multitasking isn’t the best approach to getting tasks done. However, this guy may shake their certainty. He’s getting in his steps on the treadmill while practicing his drop stitch, and we have to say, we’re impressed.

Source: yaplakal
Could you knit and work out at the same time? We’re not sure any of us could manage it. However, we’re also not sure how safe this approach to exercise is. What happens if you slip? Knitting needles are a little too pointy to have around exercise equipment.
That’s one way to stay motivated
Many people use music as a way to stay pumped up and focused during a tough workout. However, few people go so far as to enlist a marching band to provide their soundtrack.

Source: yaplakal
Would this motivate you or would it be too distracting and embarrassing to have any motivational effects? This is one picture we’d love to know the story behind. Is he a football player? Did he lose a bet? Surely he doesn’t just casually bring a marching band with him every time he works out!
Father of the year
While it’s nice that this guy is spending quality time with his kid, we’re not sure that this is the best way to do it. This is hardly the safest way to lift weights. What happens if he slips, drops something, or falls backward?

Source: brilio
The kid also seems quite concerned about what’s happening. We hope someone at the gym intervened. Many gyms have creches where parents can leave their kids to be safely supervised while they work out. We suggest he makes use of that service before something terrible happens!
Demotivational messages
You’ve probably seen motivational messages plastered all over the gym, but have you ever seen demotivational messages? If not, this treadmill is here to burst your bubble. You could try to build your stamina and cardiovascular endurance, but this treadmill doesn’t recommend it.

Source: science-a2z
Imagine getting yourself all pumped up to get fit, stepping on the treadmill, and having it promptly tell you that you should probably just give up now. Running isn’t recommended, but cupcakes and Netflix binges sure are!
Aspirational elder 2.0
Remember that aspirational elderly lady from before? The one who was lifting weights and rocking the flyest fitness fashion? Well, it turns out she’s not alone. Plenty of elders love hitting the gym, and the one thing they share in common is that they all do it in style.

Source: science-a2z
This elderly gym patron treated herself to a cocktail to celebrate her anniversary with her personal trainer. They’d been working together for a full year, and she’d achieved enough of her fitness goals to warrant a cheeky cocktail.
Haunted by the golden arches
This has got to be the creepiest picture on the list! No matter where you go or what you do, you’ll never be able to escape the golden arches. That ominous M will shadow you wherever you go, even attempting to muscle in on your time at the gym.

Source: yaplakal
Since you can’t escape McDonald’s, it’s essential to develop the ability to resist its temptations. Those fries, nuggets, burgers, and sundaes are deliciously fun foods, but they aren’t ideal to have daily. Instead, it’s best to find a way to fit in all your favorite treats while still getting all the nutrients you need to thrive.
Lovely lady
This lovely lady is preparing for a dance contest. Apparently, she wants to be in top shape so she can tear up the floor with her long-time partner. From where we’re standing, she appears to be doing an excellent job of hitting her fitness goals. We couldn’t be more impressed.

Source: yaplakal
Our biggest lesson from compiling this list has been that you should never give up on health and fitness. No matter how old you get or what happens to you in life, staying fit and healthy is an excellent way to ensure you’re able to weather the challenges that come your way.
Your workout, your way
Some people think of exercise as a way to earn treats. While it may not be the healthiest approach, if that’s what works for you, then we’re not going to stand in your way. This woman, however, may be taking that ethos a step too far.

Source: yaplakal
Instead of enjoying her treat and then heading to the gym to work it off, she decided to slam the two activities together. So, she’s slurping away at her ice cream while watching the calories burn away on the stationary bike.
Whatever gets you through
Here’s another fast-food lover who’s saving time by combining her cheat day with her gym day. Her personal trainer told her to bring something with her that would keep her motivated. However, we don’t think this is quite what they had in mind.

Source: yaplakal
This woman is only working out so she can continue consuming her beloved soda. While we doubt any health professionals would recommend such an approach, it does seem to be working out okay for her. In truth, it’s probably not that much worse than a sports drink anyway.
Waldo works out
Here’s another costumed character who was caught spending time at the gym. While the others were snapped mid-workout, it seems Waldo isn’t so gung-ho about fitness. He’s more interested in checking his smartphone than getting in reps.

Source: yaplakal
Given how difficult it usually is to spot Waldo, we have to say we’re a bit disappointed in his lack of motivation. Hopefully, he ups his game as this has got to be the easiest version of Where’s Waldo we’ve seen to date.
Emperor Palpatine
Also known as Darth Sidious, Emperor Palpatine is one of the creepiest characters from the Star Wars universe. As such, we don’t think we’d be comfortable working out in the same gym as him. What if he lets loose with his electrifying powers?

Source: brilio
We wonder if this gym-goer knows how insidious his workout gear looks. We have a feeling he doesn’t, otherwise, he would have made sure his shoes match the vibe. Those old blue trainers certainly don’t have an intimidating Palpatine feel to them!
A sad state of affairs
The owner of this gym came up with a brilliant plan for motivating patrons. So, they created this custom board, with spaces to display success stories from people who got fit using the facilities. Unfortunately, it became a testament to failure as no one had a suitable story to share.

Source: imgur
Here’s hoping they were eventually able to turn this sorry situation around. Otherwise, this board only serves to remind people of how hard it is to stick to a fitness plan.
Getting glam-ready
This young lady clearly has a specific goal in mind. She doesn’t just want to get fit, she wants to be 100% glam-ready. Every time she steps foot in the gym, she envisions herself strutting down the catwalk or busting out moves on the dance floor with ease.

Source: yaplakal
Though it may not be the safest footwear for the gym, we do admire her determination. We also imagine that working out in heels will make her far more steady on her feet. Hopefully, the next time she has a night out on the town, this preparatory work will ensure she doesn’t end up stumbling in her heels.
Someone’s getting fired
We can see what the gym owner was going for with this sign. Unfortunately, the stick figure makes it look like it says “Fat Forever” rather than “Fit Forever.” It’s a simple mistake to make, but unfortunately, the effects are profound.

Source: science-a2z
Take a look inside, and you can see that the gym looks empty. Honestly, we’re not surprised. Would you want to be seen walking into a gym that boldly declares that you’ll be “Fat Forever”? We didn’t think so!
That’s one way to watch TV
Some people love watching TV so much they’ll do it anywhere – even on a treadmill at the gym. Of course, most people actually walk on the treadmill while they’re watching. This woman is bucking the trend and using the treadmill in a way no one ever has before.

Source: science-a2z
What’s the story here? Can she not just watch TV in the comfort of her home? Maybe someone is forcing her to go to the gym. Well. they can force her to go in, and they can even make her get on the treadmill, but by God, they can’t make her walk.
Someone stop him
This guy is setting himself up for an injury. What does he think he’s doing here? Which muscle group is he trying to target? We will give him 10 points for creativity, but that’s about all he’s getting from this maneuver.

Source: science-a2z
The picture is funny enough as it is, but we would love to see a video of this scenario. We want to know precisely what his game was here. We’d also love to see the look on his face when he gave up and dismounted the bench.
That’s not how anything in life works
Here’s another guy who clearly didn’t pay attention during his induction to the gym. What on earth does he think he’s doing here? Did the angle and shape of the seat not give him a clue as to how this machine functions?

Source: yaplakal
We have so many questions, but we doubt this guy would be able to answer them. So, we recommend that he wastes no more time and instead, heads to the front desk and asks for some help operating the workout equipment.
Making the workout easier
Workouts are a struggle because, well, they’re meant to be. If you’re not puffing and panting by the end of it, have you really pushed yourself? Of course, we all still look for tricks and shortcuts to make our sweat sessions a little easier.

Source: yaplakal
This woman took that concept a little too far by using her segway on the treadmill. It certainly will help her get her miles in for the day, but we don’t imagine it’ll do a lot for her fitness goals.
That’s not how multitasking works
One of the main reasons people cite for giving up on their fitness goals is a lack of time. Though you only really need to spare half an hour a day, it can feel like even that is a little too much. This man has found a novel way to get around this issue.

Source: yaplakal
Instead of sacrificing his fitness goals, he’s simply combined them with his desire to stay informed about world events. This way, he gets to catch up on the news and bust out some squats at the same time.
Get over here!
Fans of Mortal Kombat won’t need any further explanation to get a giggle out of this image. If you’ve never played the game before, however, allow us to introduce two gym-goers who look like they’re channeling Sub Zero and Scorpion.

Source: imgur
In the Mortal Kombat games, Scorpion famously yells “get over here” as he shoots out a spear attached to a rope or chain. If he successfully spears his opponent, he then drags them to their doom. Here’s hoping these two guys don’t take their costumes too seriously.
Peak passive aggression
This message seems friendly and helpful at first glance. However, once you’ve read the full thing, it’s impossible to see it as anything other than hilariously passive-aggressive.

Source: imgur
It seems this gym had an issue with people using the free weights and then leaving them scattered across the floor. People were too lazy to re-rack their weights, but thankfully, the owner came up with a brilliant idea. By subtly suggesting that they must be too weak to put the weights back, the owner was able to trick gym-goers into complying with the rules. Genius!
Do you even hammer?
If you thought you were tough because you use the largest free weights in the gym, think again. Do you even lift if you don’t lift hammers? In all seriousness, what are you meant to do with this thing? Do you throw it or just swing it around like a kettlebell?

Source: brilio
We would love to see someone in the gym wielding this weapon with skill. Of course, we would only want to see them flexing their skills – no one needs to see someone wielding a hammer like this as an actual weapon! Let’s keep hammer time peaceful, please.
At least they were honest
The sad truth is that more people abandon gym memberships than stick with them. In fact, the profitability of gyms relies on this. If everyone with a membership showed up to work out every day, there simply wouldn’t be space for them. If only those people who stuck to their fitness plan paid for memberships, gyms wouldn’t stay afloat.

Source: science-a2z
This person decided to accept the fact that they would never get ripped and instead, focus on saving money. Their first step was to cancel their pointless gym membership, and we are here for the honesty they displayed on the form.
Low overheads
Financial advisors agree that for a business to survive, it helps to maintain low overheads. However, this gym owner took that advice a little too literally. By “low overheads,” financial professionals mean keeping your expenses to a minimum.

Source: brilio
Low-hanging ceilings will not help your business improve its profitability. In fact, if you have a lot of tall clients, it may have the opposite effect! This tall gym-goer doesn’t seem to be bothered by the low ceiling, but we can’t imagine everyone is this chill about it.
Getting in those reps
While it looks like this guy is just relaxing and reading a book in the gym, we’re going to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he’s actually working on his obliques, doing a static hold, and reading his favorite book to get him through the pain.

Source: science-a2z
What else could explain his choice to read a book on a weights bench? Surely there are more scenic and comfortable places to read a book. Why on earth would you choose the loud, sweaty ambiance of the gym?
All dressed up and nowhere to go
When you first get into fitness, it helps to arm yourself with all the requisite gear. When you look the part, you feel the part. And when you feel the part, you’re more likely to stick to your plan and achieve your fitness goals.

Source: yaplakal
This fellow took that advice a little too far. Yes, it helps to have protective gear when you take up cycling. However, you don’t need to wear that gear in the safety of a gym on the comfort of a stationary bike.
Pumped for the gym
This lady took the concept of getting pumped up for the gym literally. She’s got on some impressively sparkly pumps and a pretty dress, so naturally, she’s ready to pump iron. She even has an adorable little handbag by her side!

Source: science-a2z
We doubt she’s genuinely working out in that attire. Our guess is that there was a function being hosted at the gym, and she and her friend decided to set up this image as a joke. Either way, she looks like she’s enjoying herself, and that’s the main thing.
The importance of privacy
This guy loves going to the gym. What he doesn’t enjoy is having to share the space with a host of sweaty strangers. So, he’s come up with a novel solution. He simply whips out his custom-made privacy shield and pretends that he’s in his own little world.

Source: brilio
We can sympathize with him on this point. Gyms can be loud, chaotic places, and it’s easy to feel self-conscious with so many super-fit people around. Sometimes, you just have to improvise to make it through, and this improvised privacy shield is pretty decent.
Is it alive?
We have no idea what this thing is or why it’s there, and we’re not sure we want to know. It looks a little bit like a wig, but why would someone wear a wig to a sweaty gym session?

Source: yaplakal
Maybe that’s the problem – they wore a wig to the gym, thinking it would be fine, but then quickly discovered that wigs and workouts don’t pair well. So, they took it off but then forgot to collect it at the end of their exercise session. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.