Hilarious Bathroom Graffiti That Will Brighten Your Day
Graffiti. We often find them behind public restroom doors and wonder what was going through the heads of the people who wrote them. Most times, they’re amusing and make you stay longer than intended in the toilet, but always for the right reasons.
Other times, they’re some form of gossip, motivational quote, or series of gibberish that you have a hard time interpreting. Regardless of the reason, bathroom graffiti is relatable and fun to read. Plus, the creativity in many of them is often extraordinary. We’ve created slides of our favorite ones below.
Limbo Dancers
“Beware of limbo dancers” is a pretty standard graffiti piece in many restrooms. Apparently, this is a warning to toilet users to be cautious of people who peep under toilet doors. If you think this is advice to take lightly, think again.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
There are actual “limbo dancers” who slide themselves under bathroom doors to steal. According to one victim, Roger Murdoch, a limbo dancer, “had threatened to hit me with a large maraca before taking my wallet and then sashaying his way back out under the door.”
Unfiltered Art
This graffiti reads, “Since writing on bathroom walls is done neither for critical acclaim nor financial gain — it’s the purest form of art.” We are thankful for this beautiful soul who reminds us that sometimes we overlook the fact that graffiti is the purest form of self-expression and that all art is art.
Source: Imgur
This graffiti also reminds us of a quote from K.D. Lang reads, “Art knows no boundaries; art doesn’t really have judgment in its purest form.” What could describe our beloved graffiti better?
7 Things I Hate About You
At first glance at the title, “Things I hate,” you’d imagine that this person needed to release their frustrations as a form of emotional release. But look again, and the pun in this graffiti will sneak up on you.
Source: Facebook
From vandalism to irony, lists, and repetition, the writer is guilty of just about everything on this list. It’s just a list of things they put down to contradict themselves, and we love this attempt at self-deprecating humor. Weird? Yes. Hilarious? Most definitely.
Unconventional Upliftments
“If you ever feel powerless, just remember that a single one of your pubic hairs can shut down an entire restaurant.” This is probably the single most humourous graffiti you’ll ever see. If you’re having a good day, seeing a funny piece on the wall makes you even happier.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
For those having a terrible day, reading this can lift the mood from zero to a hundred in a jiffy. It’s a win-win, regardless.
Narcissism Makes The World Go Round
Is it typical for restrooms to have no mirror above the sinks? But seriously, some public toilets, like those in Disney World, have a good reason for not having mirrors.
Source: Newschannel5/Twitter
According to a source, the lack of mirrors in Disney World bathrooms is intentional. The designers believe mirrors can be tempting, and some self-absorbed guests may spend too much time checking themselves, leading to long bathroom lines.
Do You!
“Dance like no one’s watching, and poop like no one is here” is good advice. Because isn’t it absurd that there’s so much anxiety about doing something as natural as using the restroom when others are nearby?
Source: S*** House Poet/Facebook
Public restroom embarrassment is real; in extreme cases, it’s called the “shy bladder syndrome.” If you’re dealing with this, maybe pretending you’re alone will help.
We're One Big Family
The things that make us feel connected to others differ from person to person. For some, it may be shared values; for others, a positive attitude, similar interests, etc.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
But what about when we meet our opposites and get attracted to them anyway? What if the connection was something random, like sharing the same porcelain throne with a stranger, as this graffiti suggests? Think about it!
Poor Customer Service
“I would not pee here again.” While we have no idea what happened to this person, we can imagine their plight when we read this. The thought of using a public restroom in a random place is already stressful, but going in and confirming your fears is even worse.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
From issues like insufficient tissue paper to poorly-functioning hand dryers, messy floors, etc., there are more than a few reasons to give it “one star.” It is understandable why many people would rather just hold it in for hours till they reach home.
Graffiti, But Make It Canadian
We know Canadian graffiti when we see one. While many people see bathroom graffiti as a chance to go wild and be vile, Canadians like to do theirs with a dash of positivity. With Canadian graffiti, all you get is words of encouragement, wisdom, and lots of love.
Source: Pinterest
So when we see bathroom graffiti like ” your mum is a nice lady” and “your father is proud of you,” we don’t need psychic powers to tell us where they’re from. Go, Canada!
Just Go with the Flow
“Don’t force it.” Whoever wrote this must have been having a hard time attending to their nature calls. We’ve all been there. But this isn’t just about having difficult bowel movements. It’s advice that’s valid for anyone going through unforeseen circumstances.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
Whether it’s a relationship, friendships, approval from someone, or even that tight pair of jeans from college, if you must force it, it’s probably a sign to leave it alone.
A Peep into the Future
“Get ready for the possibility of people dating robots.” Right now, this doesn’t sound like it’s ever going to happen but think about all the things we once thought were absurd but are now our reality.
Source: Imgur
We’ve gotten used to people falling in love and even getting married to dolls and fictional characters, so maybe this isn’t that ridiculous, after all. Will you embrace or accept it when it happens?
Different Strokes for Different Folks
This one reminds us of how differently we experience things: same restroom and two conflicting reviews. There’s a lesson here for business owners — always do the best you can, and don’t let negative reviews wear you down. A 1-star review will transform to 5 stars if you don’t give up and keep improving.
Source: Instagram
Having said that: does everyone else find this customer/employee back-and-forth hilarious, or is it just us?
Speaking of Toxic Masculinity
This one says, “Morgan is the Chernobyl of the toxic masculinity.” According to the United Nations, “The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor that occurred on 26 April 1986 was the most serious accident ever to occur in the nuclear power industry.”
Source: Pinterest
Imagine being compared to the world’s worst nuclear disaster ever. Morgan must be as nasty as they come.
Regarts vs Regrets
This one left us a bit confused because either this person meant to write “regrets” or knew precisely what they were doing. “Live with no regrets” reminds everyone to live their lives to the fullest, learning from failures instead of being crushed by them.
Source: mjl_n5/Instagram
But “regarts” is quite confusing. Also, taking note of the love emoji, ” live with no love regarts” is even more difficult to understand. Some people think “regarts” is slang for fart. If that’s the case, we love the play on words. Either way, #noregrets!
There's Always That One Person
For many people, the restroom is a personal space for peace. And while they won’t mind a hilarious graffiti or two, why would anyone want to discuss idealizing the past and their reasons for doing so? Sometimes, we just want to do our private business as peacefully as possible.
Source: Pinterest
This person reminds us of that one classmate we all had who would remind the teacher that we had homework. Don’t we already have enough existential dread without bathroom graffiti making us question things even more?
Got Ya!
This piece is a simple but very hilarious prank that shows us just how easily our minds can be manipulated. It asks us to look left, but most of us subconsciously followed the arrow and failed the easy test.
Source: Pinterest
We now understand Jerry Andrus when he said, “Usually when we’re fooled, the mind hasn’t made a mistake. It’s come to the wrong conclusion for the right reason.” This graffiti got you, too, didn’t it?
Accio Toilet!
Only Harry Potter lovers can relate to this one, and if you aren’t one – oops! Imagine the Ministry of Magic’s official entrance is somewhere in Whitehall’s underground toilets. You might “magically” find yourself in the Ministry once you pull the lever and run into Mr. Weasley!
Source: ENA/Twitter
What is the idea behind this, though? Did a cunning wizard do this to tease helpless muggles? We never can tell.
The Bathroom Elephant
The human brain is programmed to see faces in everyday objects. It’s called “Face pareidolia,” which reveals much about the brain’s capacity to pick up on social cues. This person was clearly having one of those moments assigning elephant-like characteristics to a coat hanger.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
The coat hanger looks like an elephant trunk. Would it be such a bad idea if it were real?
Let's Do This!
This one tells us that it’s not all “sugar and spice and everything nice” when it comes to face pareidolia. Yes, we’ve had a pleasant selfless elephant ready to sacrifice its trunk to keep your coat, and you do your business. But what about a fierce-looking octopus ready to bounce you out if you misbehave?
Source: Imgur
All thanks to this person for reminding us of the need for balance every time and everywhere.
Restrooms Should Be Restrooms
Whenever we see one graffiti answering a previous graffiti, we know we’re in for a jolly good ride. This one didn’t disappoint, either. The first person wrote a cliched quote, but the second person didn’t subscribe to it.
Source: S*** House Poet/Facebook
Bathrooms should be as peaceful as they can be. But if you want to put your mark on the wall, at least make it original.
The Multipurpose Sink
We have no idea what was happening in this person’s head when they wrote it. But we hope they’re the only ones seeing the similarities between a vat for baptizing babies and a sink for washing hands.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
While we are still determining the idea behind this graffiti, could it be a polite way of telling people not to bathe their babies in the sink?
For the Love of Haiku
We’re all in for self-expression and creativity. But when the attempt to try new stuff fails so badly that it’s hilarious, we have no choice but to laugh till we drop.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
Haiku is a Japanese poem in the short form, typically comprising three lines arranged in five, seven, and five syllabuses. Although this poem makes no sense in English, it passes the Haiku test.
Laugh Out Loud
This restroom is for males, and you already know where the finger is pointing – that’s right, now you aren’t laughing as hard as the instructions say, are you? Talk about hitting below the belt—literally.
Source: a2z Fun/YouTube
The good thing about this dark humor is that you’re the only one looking — or are you? Regardless, you can console yourself with the fact that you don’t need the largest wand to be the greatest magician.
Something Cringey
What’s the one thing other people do that makes you cringe? Is it dying their hair in a fake blond color, wearing sunshades at night, or wearing uncomfortable clothing? Could it be lying about having no makeup on or having kitchen utensils and plates scraping against each other?
Source: bathroomgraffiti/Instagram
When it comes to graffiti, what could be more cringe-worthy than “your kiss seemed so real in my dreams?” One word for this person — eww!
Time to Offer Sacrifices
Remember when we talked about cringey things? Forgive us; we forgot to mention how cringe-worthy public restrooms are. For example, seeing the stall locks broken and the floor littered with toilet paper can ruin your entire day.
Source: publicbathroomstilllife/Instagram
But we never imagined that public restrooms could be transformed into sacrificing stations. What in the world was going on in this person’s mind to come up with quick fixes to summoning the devil?
Who Do We Believe Now?
Here’s another episode of graffiti answering graffiti that we find amusing. The first person tells you how beautiful you are, and while you are still yet to fully bask in the compliment, another person drops a bombshell — your admirer is drunk.
Source: Chrissie/Twitter
Now, you’re wondering who is truly drunk, the complimenter or the second person? Could it be that they’re both drunk? You can keep thinking about it for the rest of the day, but ignorance is bliss.
Too Much to Take In
This person has had a very rough day. But something isn’t adding up. We like to think the everyday pigeon is an innocent-looking bird that wanders about with its peers, banking on the goodwill of strangers to enjoy some corn.
Source: Sarah Addezio/Twitter
So, why shouldn’t we trust pigeons, and what did they lie about? Then, pigeons stole a car? We’re completely lost and in dire need of an explanation.
Red Pill, Blue Pill
Morpheus’ popular “red pill or blue pill” quote goes like this, “You take the blue pill – the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”
Source: ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney/Facebook
This is a choice between learning a possibly life-changing or disturbing truth or remaining as you are, believing what you’ve always believed. However, it seems anti-climactic here as it only indicates hot and cold water.
Two Wrong Decisions Don't Make a Right
One bad decision often leads to another, and that’s what we think this one is trying to explain. Remember that time in college when you didn’t prepare enough for your test and realized you would fail?
Source: whatswrittenintheladies/Instagram
In those vulnerable moments of regret, we often make the worst decisions ever. Chief among them is calling an ex and reliving the heartbreak we fought so hard to overcome. Our advice is simple—don’t do it!