Cringey Photos of Fans Posing With Their Favorite Celebrities
For many of us, meeting our Hollywood heroes is a big deal. Not only is it exciting, but it is also a great story to tell your friends and family about. Pics or it didn’t happen!
Unfortunately for some, their special moment was disastrous because of either themselves, an unfortunate incident, or simply a lack of enthusiasm on the celebrities part. Scroll down below for some of your favorite celebrities and their adoring fans.
Tom Hanks
Another good guy having a good laugh with an unsuspecting dude. You know this guy was kicking himself the next day. Imagine the surprise of your life when, as you were passed out in a bar, one of the most famous actors in the world took a photo next to you.

The only downside is that you were not cognizant and missed the chance to have a quick conversation with the star. Oh, the things that could have been asked, if you’d only been aware.
Emma Watson
As exhausting as it must be, a selfie must go on. At least this guy is trying to put in the work by leaning as far as he can. It must be a challenge to be a celebrity trying to live your life. There are great benefits, like being able to do things such as do something you love professionally and getting paid quite a lot to do so.

However, the downside of the job is that it’s common to have people run up to you just to get a quick photo. What if you weren’t feeling it that day? Too bad. Looks like Emma is willing to pose this time.
Luke Perry
It has to be a bit strange to have a complete stranger wrap their arms around you in a seemingly loving embrace. Despite being held in that unexpected way, Luke Perry seems to be taking it lightly.

There are not many people, even the most outgoing of celebrities, who would allow such a handsy approach to a meet and greet. Luke definitely looks a tad put off but also isn’t afraid of getting in there and giving the love back. What a sport!
Katy Perry
Remember that first school dance as a child when you were dancing with someone and life had never been more awkward? Katy Perry looked like she was caught dancing with her date and wasn’t sure how to pose for the picture.

He understood the assignment though. This guy was more than happy to put on a smile, knowing he had got to rest his hands around his dream girl’s waist. This isn’t the last time you’ll see Katy on this list!
Luke Wilson
Don’t fight it if you like it, at least that’s how the saying goes. Luke Wilson had no problems making it obvious what we already know, he’s a man after the ladies. Here, he can be seen with two young ladies who look excited just to be in a picture with him.

He kind of changes the vibe from excitement to inappropriate when all he can do is stare at the chest of one of these young women. Keeping it classy, huh?
Russell Brand
If that’s not a close call, what is? Talk about a miscommunication. It’s all fun and games to get a peck on the cheek until someone turns at the wrong moment. That’s what happened to Russell Brand during a book signing tour.

It just so happened the woman was talking and they both sort of squished together in a pinch to get the photo. I’m sure it was worth the moment just to have the memory to look back on.
Jason Momoa
Did this amazing moment really happen? Let a girl dream! What is better than a celebrity you love who is willing to take a photo with you? One that is also more than happy to play along with your schemes. This is a second where the wife is living out her fantasy of being the apple of Jason Momoa’s eye, right next to her husband.

In this brief glimmer in time, Jason’s arm is around her and pushing another man away. Not sure what’s better, the picture or the fact that Jason took it a step further and autographed it over the husband.
Avril Lavigne
Not everyone wants to be touched, even when they’re getting paid to be there. Avril gives the vibe that she’s pleasantly fine with being in this young woman’s photograph…

However, just her presence should suffice. Unlike other celebrities on the list, Avril makes a point to keep her composure, and her arms, to herself. It has her fan looking slightly uncomfortable.
Cara Delevigne
When it comes to press junkets and big events surrounding them, wild things can go down. Those long days of answering a million questions have to take a toll eventually. To avoid burnout, it is imperative to enjoy yourself when you can.

At least that’s how Cara Delevingne looks at it anyway. For someone who is known to be a bit short with obnoxious reporters, it’s nice to see her having a silly moment. What a shock that must have been to check out her antics in the background.
Oh mama, mama, mama, someone has just flagged down an awkward moment down.

Rihanna looks confused and perhaps a little perturbed by not only the presence of this guy but the flash photography he brought along with him. Just because you see a celebrity out in the wild doesn’t mean it’s okay to take advantage of the situation. Take a nanosecond to read the room.
Bill Murray
If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! One of the most prolific comedians in recent memory, Bill Murray, is always up to have a little fun.
Even if that fun comes at the expense of a youngster. Little does the boy know that one day, he will treasure the photo of a moment in time he had no awareness of but still made it memorable. Thanks to Bill for having a hilarious reaction to the crying.
Jimmy Fallon and Jon Hamm
If you’re going to be photobombed, it might as well be by some fun celebrities, right? Who knew that while the family was out sightseeing in a big city they’d come across two celebrated entertainers?

As the group stops to pose with the skyline behind them, these two jokesters up the level of awesome by putting on their best faces. Perhaps it’s something the family will just have to find out about later. What a surprise!
David Beckham
Can you at least wait until the game is over and the man has had a chance to catch his breath? David Beckham is one of the most famous soccer players in the world. So, it’s not surprising that a fan is ready to jump out on the field to snap a quick selfie with the professional athlete.

But with all the players still on the field, it just looked like this guy had a complete lack of self awareness or consent for that matter. Perhaps he saw it as a shoot-your-shot type of moment, but it seemed a little too hands-on.
Khloe Kardashian
Fans think they know celebrities because they watch them on TV. That can give them a little too much confidence in real life.

This fan clearly crossed the line and is basically forcing himself on the reality star. She definitely was not expecting this physical bombardment into selfie-taking and did not seem to want to participate. We’re hoping that maybe he was pushed from behind while trying to get her attention and it was an accident. But with his hand already in position, he may just need to be removed.
Katy Perry
Tattoo, the ultimate compliment or a touch unsettling? You decide! Knowing that someone was so inspired by something that you created that they put a dedicated image on their body might be a surreal feeling.

It’s not every day that you get diehard fans willing to ink themselves for life in your honor. It does look like Katy loves the effort and is happy to take a photo to promote the tattoo. A memory for them both.
Robert Downey Jr.
It’s not uncommon for celebrities to not even be given a choice about when and where they’re photographed. That’s never been more true now that practically everyone has a camera on them at all times.

Because this fan had his phone at the ready, Robert Downy Jr. was haphazardly forced into a photo he didn’t agree to. The actor was just trying to get back to his car when a massive flash caught him off guard. That is the appearance of a man who was not ready but still came off as great. Fans just have no boundaries.
Patrick Stewart
Convention photos are often some of the most cringey photos taken of anyone anywhere. That has a lot to do with eager fans feeling free to get uncomfortably close.

Sir Patrick Stewart is doing his contract best by sitting there and looking content. Celebrities go through so many of these photos that it’s probably hard to fake it after a while. Fans have a very limited window to get in there, pose, and get out before the next one comes in. So, Patrick’s position seemed perfect to maximize his energy over the span of a few hours.
Paris Hilton
You wait what feels like a lifetime to meet your favorite star and this is the face you make. This guy has been following Paris Hilton’s career for years and probably feels blessed that he got the chance to have a one-on-one moment with her.

He’s a bit overwhelmed, but she seems to be taking it in stride. What can she do but enjoy her adoring fan? Afterall, he has a bunch of her recently bought products in his grasp.
Norman Reedus
Another wife gets to live out her fantasy in the forever form of a picture. Just like the scene a woman earlier had with Jason Momoa, this lady is having a similar time with Norman Reedus.

It looks like the husband is a good sport, being given the finger by the Walking Dead star. All the while, he’s got his arm wrapped around the woman’s shoulder and she has her arm on Norman’s chest. It’s nice to see a celebrity being so playful.
Eric Stonestreet and Neil Flynn
Just when you think you found one celebrity to get a photo with at a baseball game, there were two. From the long-running show Modern Family, Eric Stonestreet is casually enjoying a ballgame when he’s spotted by a young fan.

Of course, he’s being nice by posing for a photo even though he’s just there to have a good time. That is great, but it’s Neil Flynn who makes the moment even more special. Giving that familiar glare from Scrubs, Neil turned this photo into epic.
Kanye West
When it comes to some celebrities, you never know what you’re going to get. Kanye West is kind of a wild card. Here, he looks quite unhappy.

What’s going on between those ears? Is Ye putting together another masterpiece? Is he contemplating existence? Does Ye know where he is? No one can say for sure, but either way, these guys knew to take advantage of a moment they would likely never see again.
Kim Kardashian
So, we aren’t even attempting to ask for time anymore? We’re just going to treat celebrities like product placement?
This is just in poor taste by the picture taker. Yes, you have a great view of someone that many people know. That doesn’t mean she’s not a real person who is clearly in the middle of something. Running up and turning around to get a selfie is not cute. Even though she is getting the shot, the way she goes about it feels like it’s just a weirdly stolen moment.
Miley Cyrus
When a handshake isn’t enough, go in for the cry. Meeting someone you’ve watched on TV for years is one of the highlights of a young person’s life. It’s a moment they will likely tell their grandchildren about.

At least that’s the type of importance you can imagine is going into play here when there are tears involved. She’s going to be so proud of this moment from now into forever and Miley is making it all the sweeter.
Weird Al
When you’re famous for being funny, it would be hard to pass up an opportunity to call out the perfect photo op.

Who better to make the ultimate dad joke than a man who makes a living doing spoofs? Yes, Weird Al knows a great set-up when he sees one. Got to give the fans what they want, right?
Mark Hamill
Pretty sure there’s an unspoken rule to avoid over-caffeinating yourself, to avoid looking strange, but maybe not. This guy was so excited to meet an OG Star Wars actor that he ended up coming off like a deer in the headlights.

It was nice of Mark Hamill to give him a hug but he might be putting the fan into cardiac arrest. Hopefully, this guy will be able to channel the force later and use it to calm down while he gazes at a photo representing the time he met a Jedi.
Keanu Reeves
Every once in a wild blue yonder you come across a true gentleman. There aren’t a ton of celebrities that have gold status as far as who they are as humans. Keanu Reeves is definitely one of those, however.

As you can see from the photographs, he makes sure not to wrap his hands around women that are taking a picture with him. For one, you can’t be accused of doing something inappropriate that way. But the reason he’s likely doing it is to not cross any boundaries. Keanu, always ahead of the game.
Dylan O'Brien
You never know who you’re going to meet in the most random of places, so you might as well be prepared for anything.

Imagine the delight when this girl was casually out shopping with her family, picking up drinks and food for dinner. Suddenly, she sees someone recognizable in the distance. Could it be Dylan O’Brien? What a sweet surprise for an unsuspecting fan!
Hulk Hogan and James Blunt
If you didn’t know better, you wouldn’t know that James is also famous by the way he’s clinging onto the Hulk for dear life. This looks like one of the many convention photos celebrities take and Hulk Hogan is the celebrity people are paying to meet.

It’s a great reminder that celebrities are people, too, and have a list of other famous people they’d like to meet. It just might be a little easier for them to accomplish said feat.
Tom Felton
What a fun treat to see two of your favorite fictional worlds collide in real-time. The ultimate annoying and mean kid from Harry Potter is being held up by representatives of the dark side of Star Wars.

This is the ultimate fan win! It looks like Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy for years, is having a good time getting in trouble with the stormtroopers. Too much fun, this is.
Bella Twins
If you’re going to pay for a photo with a celebrity, you should definitely go all out. That was the mantra of these two individuals upon meeting WWE’s Bella Twins.

They must be thinking what a great investment it was to purchase a fan photo because it included both twins at the same time. Not just having them there, though, but being embraced by both Brie and Nikki. What luck!
Stan Lee
The super comic giant is also great at taking an awkward photo with a super fan. Stan Lee may be the name of power in comics and the superhero genre, but that may not have been enough to prepare him for cosplay. Little did he know decades ago how immensely popular his characters would be.

Even more so, they would be so beloved that he’d need to show face occasionally at events where attendees would go wild in his presence. Kind of an interesting life story, though.
Ed Sheeran
So close, yet so far away. Ed Sheeran is one of the biggest hit makers out there. So, running into him while you’re out and about would be a real treat for a fan.

Very few people surrounding him mean there’s a good chance to get a photo. Surely, this girl’s day was made. Unbeknownst to her, this guy was just an extremely close look alike. So very close, though. He would easily pass off as the real deal.
Robert Pattinson
There’s a reason this guy is a fan and not a photographer. He would have done better to just have the professional behind him take the shot. If we’re able to read the scene correctly, it looks like this guy wants a picture with Robert Pattinson. The angle and facial expressions of them gives it the feel that Robert is the one taking the selfie with this guy, instead of the other way around.

That makes this shot funny for us to look at, but it might not be exactly what the fan had in mind. At least it made for a story to tell for years to come.
Gerard Butler
If you’re going to request a selfie from a celebrity, it might be fair if you gave them a chance to look presentable. Not everyone got that memo, though. Gerard Butler looks like he was caught in the midst of a blink.

Unfortunately, this poorly timed photo left him looking disconnected from reality. The fan looks fine, so I guess he felt like he accomplished something. Next time, be more mindful of others and treat celebrities like real people.
Kristen Stewart
Yeah, sure, she’s here. That does not mean she has to like it. When there was a new Twilight movie coming out annually, it was not uncommon to find screaming fans whenever one of the major actors made an appearance.

After thousands of fans try to get an autograph, talk to you, and sometimes even grab at you, it has to be wearing Kristen Stewart thin. There are only so many high pitch yells you can take before earplugs are required.
Ed O'Neill
Who could turn down a fan photo? Even if that photo involved another celebrity you didn’t recognize. The story behind this photo of Ed O’Neill with global sensation Britney Spears is quite comical.

He didn’t realize when she asked him at the airport to pose with her that she was actually famous in her own right. It took his manager calling the next day to inform him of how popular the post had gotten when the pop star posted it. Ed had no idea.
Khloe Kardashian
Not only must you be above everyone, but you must also remind them of it. Here you can see a Keeping Up With The Kardashians fan meeting her favorite family member at a Sears event promoting the new perfume.

It’s hard to imagine Khloe’s feet not being in a tremendous amount of discomfort at the end of the day. She looks like she’s having a good time meeting fans, though, by the sweet moment she’s sharing with this one.
Tom Cruise
There are only so many opportunities to see the last samurai in person. This guy didn’t just reserve his spot on the line to meet the cast as they came out for the premiere, he lived there.

Just like shoppers used to do outside major retail chains on Thanksgiving night before Black Friday. Not realizing how sweaty he had become, this fan leaned over to get a picture and chat with one of his favorites, Tom Cruise. It looks like Tom is having a good time with the man, so luckily it worked out for everyone.
Justin Bieber
The fan is shaking. Why not help out and take the photo yourself? For as long as there have been famous young men, there have been teenagers who swoon over them. This phenomenon has been going on for many years.

Even back when classical music was all the rage. So, as teen girls do, this young lady was so happy she was crying at the moment she got to meet her favorite singer. Good on Justin for offering a helping hand.
Kanye West
Did you really think we could end this list without at least one more picture of Kanye? While Kayne is notoriously unpredictable, he is often seen with at least a cool demeanor when it comes to fan photos.

Even though he doesn’t seem particularly pleased to have his phone call interrupted for this selfie, he accepts that it’s happening. Sometimes, when you know something you don’t want is coming, it is calming to accept it regardless.