Must-See Photos of Hilarious Wedding Fails Captured On Camera
Your wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life—but that doesn’t mean that all weddings are without mishaps. Whether it’s a drunk relative putting their feet up on the table or a “trash the dress” photoshoot gone wrong, we’ve rounded up some of the funniest and most memorable wedding fails out there.
These are some of the funniest, most cringe-worthy wedding photos you’ll ever see. It’s impossible not to laugh out loud at some, while others will have you cringing over and over again.
Make sure to share these hilarious wedding fails with your friends and family!
Wedding Games
In some cultures, games can be held as part of the proceedings of a wedding. They can be fun and can offer an interesting challenge for all who partake. It spices up the atmosphere, gets people competitive and in the mood for some laughter. In this game, everyone knows what is going on, except for the groom.

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We imagine the point of this game is guessing who has your wife’s legs. This guy looks pretty convinced he’s hit the jackpot, going off of his expression. We wonder if this elderly gentleman shaved his legs for this activity. Also, we believe the wife took the photo.
A Perfect Photo in an Imperfect Setting
Don’t these two just look stellar? They look captivated by the moment, looking into a future that’s quite simply all theirs. Unfortunately, their shot was ruined by a couple posing for a wedding photo. All joking aside, this isn’t the best shot for the photographer’s portfolio. Surely, they should have known better.

Source: Twitter
Or perhaps this was taken by a family member or friend who was just so tickled by the sight behind their subject that their thumb slipped and the picture was immortalized forever, to the delight of all. It’s a beautiful shot, but for all the wrong reasons.
Catch Me, I’m Falling
Even on one of the most memorable days of your life, watch out—an accident is just waiting to happen. Take a look at this picture. It looks like they were shooting a nice picture of the husband carrying his wife (as is tradition), before something went wrong and the husband dropped his wife into the pool.

Source: Tumblr
We just hope the bride was okay and that her special day wasn’t ruined. We have a feeling that she’s laughing about it by now. After all, it was probably an accident. Let’s just hope that she wasn’t renting that dress for the day.
The Odd One Out
This type of shot is common at weddings: a group of guests with their spouses or partners… and the third wheel. In this case, he’s the seventh wheel. Perhaps his companion was busy in the bathroom or on their way to get drinks.

Source: Reddit
It’s okay, buddy. We understand. But look, if you’re single and you’re happy, then who cares? It’s nice to find a partner, but if you haven’t met someone who really jives with you, then don’t worry about it. Be happy! Don’t let these awkward moments get to you.
When Bridesmaid Unite
One time in history (and still in many places all over the world) it was considered heresy to walk into a holy house of the Lord without covering your shoulders. With bridal gowns getting more and more risqué, that tradition is being questioned. What’s also being questioned is the perspective in this picture.

Source: Reddit
In this unfortunate angle, it looks almost like these ladies have chosen the church pews to cool off from a recent sauna and massage combo sesh. Their lack of dress straps gives off the impression of having turned up to the ceremony in their birthday suits. Maybe we’ll see this kind of fashion in the near future. Who knows?
The Hovering Bride
Who doesn’t love a good jump shot! It’s a staple in every professional photographer’s playbook. People love this shot because it showcases how much fun an event is, and weddings are no exception. But when you’re dealing with short legs and long dresses, you can get unexpected results.

Source: Reddit
Take a look at this photo, and you’ll see the problem right away. Where are the bride’s feet? It looks as though she’s about to spin at an astounding speed and launch off into the stratosphere, carrying her new husband with her on a journey to the stars.
Really Rockin' That Pregnancy
People used to call weddings where the bride was pregnant a “shotgun” wedding, indicating that the groom (bride for that matter) were perhaps being forced to wed due to the impending child.

Source: Reddit
Times have changed since then, and people no longer feel shame for tying the knot whilst preggos, but this takes the cake. This bride went the extra mile in flaunting her pregnancy by going ahead and cutting a hole in her gown.
What’s In The Box?
Wedding days can be full of surprises. There’s plenty of room for something to go wrong. Even though you might be prepared for the “I do,” you might be surprised to feel warm tears of joy rolling down your cheeks.

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There’s one thing you can expect not to happen on your wedding day, though—and that’s another marriage proposal. For anyone not in the loop (pun not intended), the proposal is supposed to take place before the wedding. That might explain the look of shock and confusion on the bride’s face. But who knows.
Moment Before Disaster
Yes, of course. Accidents happen. It can’t be planned for; it just appears—any place, any time. Here’s a great example of this. One moment, they were preparing for an elegant photo, slicing the cake. The next, they were staring at the cake on the floor.

Source: Tumblr
Imagine you’re the couple and having this experience during your wedding. What would your reaction be? Look at how distressed they are, seeing their lovely cake fall to the ground like that. We still hope they had a wonderful time on their wedding day regardless.
That’s Quite a Shocker
If you’re curious about what they observed while shooting this photo, you’re not alone. We’re also curious about what’s going on behind the scenes. Maybe someone’s horse got loose, or maybe someone’s dancing got out of control. It can happen. We’ve all seen it.

Source: Tumblr
Perhaps it was the goal of this shot to give the impression that something was going on behind the scenes. Whatever happened that day, this photo will serve as a memento for all observers.
You Had One Job
Who gave this guy the job of carrying the cake? And who told him to take it outside? In any case, this man had just one responsibility: don’t drop the cake. It would have been alright if they hadn’t allowed the clumsiest group member to hold it. That’s one ruined cake.

Source: Twitter
From the way that he’s falling, it looks like the cake won’t be the only thing that gets ruined from this accident. He’s probably going to get a face full of it. Well, the cake may be ruined, but this one is picture-perfect in our book.
Dressed to Kill
You have to admit, if you’re the father of the bride, this shot of your baby girl and her new husband doesn’t look very promising. Maybe you didn’t make the best judgment on this guy as you’d initially thought. Is it too late to take back your blessing? It’s probably too late.

Source: Twitter
This couple probably took this photo before they cut the cake, which explains why the groom is holding a knife behind his back like that in such a sinister manner. What it doesn’t explain is why he didn’t just put the knife down before having his picture taken.
Show Stealer
There’s always that one person who tries to steal the spotlight at a social event, no matter the occasion. In this case, it’s the bride’s uncle, or possibly just a stray musician. Her face says a lot about how she feels. On the other hand, the guy with the accordion doesn’t seem to care at all.

Source: Imgur
Look at the vein popping in his neck. He’s serious about hitting the correct notes in the song, and no one, not the bride, not the photographer—no one—is going to stop him. We’re hoping they’ll be on good terms after this.
Look Behind You
Picture this: You’re ready for the big event, and everything is going according to plan. However, someone in your family didn’t get the memo about the dress code. It’s a wedding, not an all-natural wilderness outing, uncle Barry. We wonder if the bride was just distracted here or whether she was glumly lowering her head in shame.

Source: Twitter
It’s okay; everyone has an uncle like this in the family. Well, not exactly like this… everyone has an embarrassing uncle. And here’s just one form that can take. If you’re one of those uncles and you happen to be reading this—don’t get any ideas.
Keeping It PG
New rule: Boys ages ten and below are not allowed on the dance floor. This kid was probably having the time of his life dancing when he got curious about the bride’s gown. Maybe he wondered how it was so bouncy. Honestly, when we were young, we also wondered how the dress kept so bouncy.

Source: Reddit
Where were the kid’s parents when this happened? Perhaps he was overly energetic that night due to all the cake he had eaten earlier. Hopefully, this child’s parents will see this and teach him how to respect women. It’s easier for them to learn at a young age.
The Nudely-Wed
Now that’s what we call “a dressed-down occasion.” Could this be someone’s wedding “dress rehearsal?” In that case, it looks like the groom’s outfit forgot all its parts. At first we thought that maybe the groom had somehow either forgotten his clothes, got them irreparably ruined, or that he’d done a special strip-down dance for his new wife…

Source: Tumblr
…But then we saw the other guy in the background. Is this the silliest idea for a wedding theme ever? It could be, yes. We bet there’s a cute story behind this photo, but whatever it is, it’s between the bride and her nearly-naked groom.
A Questionable Time To Drop One’s Pants
A questionable time to drop one’s pants, and yet here these gentlemen are. But this wasn’t just any old trouser-drop, these men had this all planned out and ready to go. See, they even ordered chonies that indicate who is who…just in case.

Source: Reddit
And nothing better than dropping trousers than before a beautiful view. As the ocean storms ahead of them and they look towards the sun, we get to look upon a few moons.
The Cutest Wedding Crasher
Being the star of the wedding party is clearly exhausting. You have to show up, wear uncomfortable clothes, take hundreds of photos, and keep a smile pasted on your face.

Source: Reddit
This cute pup decided to take a load off and got himself the most expensive seat in the house. Can we blame them? Weddings are a full-day event, and nappers gotta nap.
Clean Up On Aisle Three
For some people, weddings can be an awkward affair. You might feel straight-jacketed by the proceedings or alienated by all the other guests, most of whom you have never met before. But some people fully embrace the party factor of a wedding event, as seen here.

Source: Pikabu
This dancer seems to have gotten so out of control on the dance floor that—well—she literally lost control. If there’s such a thing as partying too hard, this is it. While you should make sure to enjoy yourself at a wedding, don’t forget to pace yourself, drink plenty of water, and of course—watch your step.
Cry For Help
My man, at this point, it’s probably too late to back out. Can you imagine seeing this from the front row? It would have us in tears. Can you imagine the look on the bride’s face when everyone starts sniggering under their breath?

Source: Tumblr
Obviously, it’s a prank on the groom’s part (or at least we hope so!) but this one took some clever forethought and planning and we commend such craftiness. It’s certainly a memorable image, but we can only hope that his new wife shares his sense of humor.
Bad Doggie
We all want our fur babies to be there when we experience one of the most memorable days in our lives. We want them to be part of our memories, even if they don’t always understand what or why we do what we do. This means that our beloved pets can cause a scene at a time when clarity and focus are needed.

Source: Imgur
Just like this dog here who’s trying to snatch the bride’s gown. Maybe the dog was displeased by the bride’s attire and decided to tell her in the least diplomatic way possible. Or maybe he thought it would be fun to tug on. Nonetheless, this photo with fur babies included looks very cute.
Mr. Squirrel Drops In
We don’t know how much money this bride spent to get her hair done, but we’re sure that squirrel didn’t care. Maybe the squirrel thought that her neatly arranged coiffure was a large nut and jumped to claim it—perhaps in order to store it for the winter.

Source: Tumblr
We hope the squirrel and the bride reconciled after this picture was taken. After all, how much damage can one little squirrel dropping from a tree really do? We just hope the guy behind her jumped to her side before anything bad happened—to the cute little squirrel, we mean.
Race Car Driver Groom
You might see this imagery at an award ceremony after a race: the winning contestant shakes the bottle so that, upon opening it, champagne goes all over the crowd, bringing delight to both the winner and their admiring fans. It’s a neat tradition, and it’s sure to be memorable if pulled off right.

Source: Twitter
This, however, is not an award ceremony. It’s a wedding! It is not proper to shake the bottle and then ask the audience to clap like seals when the fizz goes everywhere. Your guests will probably be more irritated than amused by your display. Just look at the bride’s expression—she looks speechless.
A Matter Of Perspective
Another centaur! This time, she’s the one getting married. Camera tricks can make or break your images. They can create a dramatic perspective, make your subject pop, or capture a beautiful moment with natural lighting. This photo shows how a stunning bride can be transformed into a half-woman, half-horse creature with a trick of the light.

Source: Reddit
This shot would have been magnificent if they had simply chosen to fix the bride’s gown before taking this photo. We’re hoping they took another picture after fixing it since everything about this one otherwise is gorgeous. It’s like something out of a movie.
The Hitchhiker Bride
What’s worse than not showing up to your own wedding? Yep, it’s having to hitchhike because your car broke down. Let’s not play the “what-if” game—it’s just too horrible to contemplate. But all hope is not lost: there are a few things you can do to avoid that scenario.

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Namely, keep your cell phone charged and save the number of your car rental company or at least a good mechanic. There are a lot of things that we want to remember at our wedding, such as walking down the aisle, exchanging rings, and dancing with friends. You deserve the best, right?
Flash Photography
A picture to commemorate the moment is nice, but having too many cameras pointing at you on your wedding day is not okay, especially while you are walking down the aisle. We recommend that you hire a professional photographer to take care of it and forbid the guest from using phones, cameras, or indeed, tablets.

Source: Reddit
This way, you can have a wedding day free from the stress of having too many cameras pointing at you. If you don’t take this precaution, then you’ll be bombarded by cameras left and right, just like in this photo. It would be like attending a red carpet event rather than being at your own wedding.
When the camera is pointed at you, you should generally look at it, straighten your back, and smile. Unfortunately, it’s not always an inborn behavior in humans, and some of us have our own little “reflex poses.” As a result, they end up looking a little “out of place,” shall we say.

Source: Youtube
This couple was just trying to take a nice romantic photo with some of their guests in the background. However, one of their friends wasn’t exactly “with the program.” When they saw the camera, they posed as if they were in a rock festival and not a wedding.
Bluer Than Blue
What on Earth did she eat before snapping this photo? Maybe she was drinking blue lemonade, or eating a blue ice-pop. It’s quite weird seeing her blue tongue with matching wide eyes. Does she realize that there’s blue on her tongue?

Source: Tumblr
What if the audience yells, “Kiss the Bride,” and her mouth is all stained blue? Hopefully, someone, perhaps her maid of honor, pointed it out to her. Hopefully, she managed to find a bathroom, or at least a wet towel, before going on stage to thank everyone for coming to the wedding.
Hearts On Fire
Some couples plan their big day down to the very last second. This often includes making sure the “perfect” ride is secured for the big farewell moment. I bet this couple wished they went with a simple limo instead.

Source: Reddit
The bride seems to be taking this one a lot easier than the groom. I’m guessing the white VW Beetle on fire behind him could have possibly been his first love. At least the new couple made it away safe and sound and with a fiery story to tell their future kids.
The Wind is Not Helping
Outdoor weddings are one of those romantic, nostalgic occasions that everyone dreams about from time to time. Many couples go for this instead of having a church wedding. It is a beautiful idea, but it is also something that you should carefully plan—there are a few things to consider when planning an outdoor wedding, namely: the weather.

Source: Tumblr
Just like this bride. She didn’t anticipate that a strong wind would blow on her big day. As a result, she had to call for help once her veil got snatched up by the wind. It looks like they had to use a ladder to get it. It’s a good thing they had one on hand!
Best Friends On Your Wedding
If you choose your best friends to be your bridesmaids, you should expect some fun on the day. But if you don’t pick wisely, all that fun can become nagging, bossing, complaining, distraction, or worst of all: pulling tricks on your fiance during his speech…heck on a stick.

Source: Twitter
Take a look at this photo: This wedding looks extraordinary—you can tell that these bridesmaids are clearly the bride’s best friends. They had a lot of fun at the wedding, but it looks like they had a bit too much fun. As the bride, you must make sure that your bridesmaids don’t mess it up too much.
The Struggle of a Maid of Honor
The maid of honor plays an essential role at a wedding. She has to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the big day. She also has to take care of all the little details that go overlooked by the bride, groom, and other wedding party members.

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It’s best to treat them nicely because she’s the one who makes sure that all the small things will be taken care of so that your wedding day can be remembered as a happy occasion. Without her help, your plans might run into a snag, or in this case, your veil might run into one.
Be Careful
It’s like we always say: accidents can happen any time, any place. More often than not, an accident can happen when you least expect it. Check out this groom, who slipped on the stairs when he and his newly-wed wife were coming out to meet their guests. They were greeted by music and also by a slippery flight of stairs.

Source: Tumblr
There’s railing on the stairs, but either it was too high up or he chose not to use it. It happens to everyone, but it doesn’t usually happen on your wedding day. From the look on his face, we can tell that he’s okay; it didn’t seem to bother him much. Like the musicians in the picture, a smile was put on our faces.
When the Groom Presses The Cake a Little Too Aggressively
It looks like these newlyweds had a good sense of humor about the cake-smashing fiasco. By the looks of it, someone was a little too zealous with the power that they packed into the traditional cake smash. The poor bride suffered a bloody nose, as well as a frosting-sticky face.

Source: Tumblr
Hopefully they were able to stop the bleeding, use a wash rag to clear the cake and blood from the bride’s face, and have a nice rest of the evening with one another!
It Was Nice To Look At?
For many, the wedding cake is a central part of the celebration during weddings. The cake is treated like a coveted guest that went through a lengthy selection process. Should we go with red velvet cake? Vanilla with sprinkles? The options are endless.

Source: Twitter
What you most likely do not want happening is for your coveted wedding guest to take an undo spill. And readers, spill is what this wedding cake did do. While the bride is finding the humor in real time, the groom seems to know that the jig is up, and this is decidedly NOT good.
When You Don’t Want Anyone To See You Get Married
Now, say you want to get married but you want to be nearly invisible. You don’t want your guests to be able to spot you, just simply feel your love. We have the perfect solution!

Source: Tumblr
But don’t go giving us all the credit now. It was these two lovebirds who made the conscious decision (no hostage situation or anything) to make the theme of the celebration of their love the joyous colors of camouflage. Needless to say, they did not need to hire a wedding photographer, as no one could see them anyhow.
A Little Stuck
While we cannot pretend to understand the meaning of this type of photography, we must know that the intention is to be silly. It achieves this and then some. Eyebrow raising? Oh yes. Confusion? You betcha.

Source: Twitter
It is nice to see that the bride decided to keep her dress down at her wedding. For one, it looks quite difficult to pull that dress up. And secondly, well–because it is a wedding and not a sandy beach day where pants are optional!
Don’t Tread On My Veil
Sometimes things are so beautifully timed they are almost a work of art. So it is the case of this beautiful show stopper. It looks like the bride’s father accidentally stepped on her veil as the separated, which makes for a funny photo on its own.

Source: Twitter
What is even funnier is the face of the bride, the groom, and the horrified people in the audience. They are stunned. Here is to hoping that the veil did not rip and the show went on without much dramatic fanfare.
This wedding failure is really up there for us. It asks so many questions, the main one being: why? Yes, we can see that the bride has very beautiful shoes. We can admire the way the white pops out against the beautiful scenery of the fallen leaves upon the grass. It still demands the crucial attention of why this photo even exists.

Source: Reddit
Where do they keep the likes of this photo? Hung up on the mantle? Above their bed? Along with the “why” the other question, we suppose, is where?
Sign Language
While the adorable family stares into the camera, relishing in their special day, little Timmy had other ideas. It could be the case that he just learned the meaning of this new little hand gesture, and what better time to test it out than in front of the camera? On one of the most special days of many people’s lives?

Source: Tumblr
Or little Timmy had no idea what he was saying to the world. He was just flipping up a finger to the world and it had no hidden meaning to speak of. Either way, it is pretty iconic.
Sometimes We Just Need A Nap
Sometimes, even when you are a grown man, you just need a nap! And sometimes, even still, you can be a grown man at your wedding and still need a nap! Even further you can be a grown man at your wedding who is at the table where everyone is eating and well…you know. You need a nap!

Source: Twitter
Maybe he was exhausted from the big day. Maybe we drank too much. Either way his new wife seems to still be enjoying herself and as long as they are both comfortable than that is all that matter
The Bridesmaid Dresses To End All Dress
Some like to dress in muted colors, others perhaps some pastel colors. Patterns are fun too! But holy mackerel have we never seen the likes of these bridesmaid dresses. Pop, color, and surface area is on the menu for this dress theme!

Source: Imgur
They even have hats to finish the outfit and tie it all together. Do you think those bridesmaids were ever able to re-wear the outfit?
The Trip Heard Around The Ceremony
With the fancy heels and fancy dress, you may look dazzling for photos, but walking may become a little less practical. The last thing any bride wants to do is trip… and yet, here we are.

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This should have been a beautiful moment, capturing the newlyweds leaving their ceremony. Instead, the bride took an unfortunate tumble and now that moment is captured on film forever. We just hope she had a good sense of humor about it after she recovered.
Not Your Typical Wedding Dress
For many women, walking down the aisle can make you feel like you’re floating. In this bride’s case, her dress is doing the floating for her. We all aspire to be different, especially on our wedding day. There’s no reason to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding dress that just looks like everyone else’s—why not get creative?

Source: Wikimedia Commons
Just like this party-inspired gown. It’s not every day that you get to see a bride walking in the aisle wearing this type of dress. For now, it’s one-of-a-kind, and it makes quite an impression. We can imagine the flower girls getting balloons after the ceremony. How sweet!
Pop The Champagne!
Popping the champagne should be an elegant moment of celebration. Instead, you end up with a unique image like this one.

Source: Imgur
Don’t get us wrong, this picture is still an incredible moment, just maybe not what they expected. There’s so much aggression and surprise in this image as the bottle erupts. What a perfectly-timed memory!
Girl, Don't Do It.
Traditionally, it’s easy to tell which person in the crowd of guests is the bride. She is typically the one in the elaborate white dress. As a courtesy and as an unwritten rule for attending weddings, no other guest should wear white.

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However, that doesn’t always work out. Sometimes you’ve got that one guest who wants the attention and to steal the show. Whether it’s out of spite or narcissism, just take a look at this image above.
Anyone Know Photoshop?
When taking photos on your wedding day, it’s important to be conscious of the background. While the image below had the potential of being a very sweet and candid photo, the poor bride’s lips appear to be touching a porta potty.

Source: Imgur
Now would be a great time to use some photo editing skills and cut the toilet right out of the photo. Or better yet, look before taking the picture to begin with. The porta potty just makes this image slightly less magical.
Kids at Weddings
Ah yes, the joys of parenting perfectly captured in a single image. This was the moment of their first kiss as newlyweds. It’s a pivotal part in any wedding ceremony.

Source: Tumblr
Yet here we have a silly, young kid messing up that magical moment. We just hope they got another take at capturing this image. Or perhaps they have a good sense of humor and appreciate that this captures reality.
Why The Bread?
As we mentioned before, photo sessions are a huge part of wedding festivities. You want to showcase your style and outfits as much as possibly for this one-day event. Here we have a couple who really planned out their photoshoot.

Source: Imgur
This is without a doubt a unique shot that we imagine most couples don’t ask their wedding photographers for. However, we have some questions. Why the crowns? Why the bread? Why does the bread go through his head? We may never know.
Dressed To Impress?
Some wedding invitations leave the dress code up to their guests. Others have strict rules for what their guests’ wedding attire should be. Either way, showing up to a wedding usually entails you are coming dressed to impress. Why do we get the feeling the bride in this photo is kicking herself for not being more specific on her invitation…

This bride’s dress definitely doesn’t stick to the cookie cutter, white or ivory dress we are all used to seeing on a couples big day, but I don’t think she meant to give a free pass to her guests to come in their (or rather, lack thereof) everyday attire.
Timing Is Everything
In this shot, the bride appears to be caressing an outside worker’s butt. It would have been great if the photographer had simply waited for the worker to finish whatever he was doing before snapping this shot.

Source: Tumblr
The bride was probably looking at something going on outside. We wonder what outside caught her attention. In any case, this is a great example of how to be at the right place at the wrong moment.
Photo Book Fail
After you sort through all your glorious wedding photos, it comes time to create the wedding photo book as a fun memento to look through over the years with your spouse, family, friends, and maybe even future children.

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This however is an example of how you don’t want your wedding photo album to turn out. While it seemed like a great idea to spread this single horizontal image out onto two pages, the bride unfortunately received a terrible crop as her face falls right at the book binding.
Riding in Style
After a wedding reception is complete, many couples may choose to rent a wedding car to ride into the sunset with a “Just Married” sign on the back and tin cans dragging along the road. This couple took a different approach.

Source: Youtube
They decided they deserved their own float and created an elaborate wedding table display that they could ride on with the help of this construction vehicle. That’s certainly one way to do it!
Nudist Wedding?
At first glance this may look like an image straight from a nudist community. It truly is a bit unfortunate but also a bit funny realizing how this photo came out.

Source: Twitter
We’d like to let you know that it is more probable that these women are the bridesmaids who are all wearing the same matching strapless dress. Right where the pew is is likely where their dress’s necklines begin.
Is This A Game?
We can only begin to guess what is happening here. Perhaps this is a fun wedding game that went wrong. Or maybe it’s a family tradition?

Source: Imgur
Whatever the case may be, it seems as though this bride took to the pond to find the golden arrow. We just hope she gets a trophy for her troubles!
Brides tend to get the bad wrap while planning their big day. Some may even call them a “Bridezilla”, but to be fair it’s a stressful process! There’s so much attention to detail needed, extensive planning, and let’s not forget how tedious it is to stay (or at least try really, really, hard to) within your given budget. Don’t even get us started on the seething charts.

Source: Imgur
There even used to be a whole show dedicated to “Bridezillas” and the crazy antics they put their loved ones through before their big day. This photo gives hope to all former Bridezillas that maybe, just maybe, the groom in this wedding took the cake that day!
Being a bridesmaid can be a tough role to fill. You have to be there for the bride, make sure your makeup doesn’t run and look good for all the pictures. Have you ever seen a bridesmaid look out of place in a wedding picture? Neither have we. Wait, did you see that?

Source: Imgur
Okay, look. Nobody can look perfect a hundred percent of the time. These dresses can get itchy, especially after hours of wear. It’s not fair to expect everybody to keep their eye on the photographer every second of every moment. With that being said, shame on you, Mr. Photographer. Give the girls a moment of peace!
Determined to Catch the Bouquet
At the wedding reception it is tradition for the bride to throw her bouquet behind her back for a single lady in attendance to catch. It is said that the one who catches the bouquet will be the next one to get married.

Source: Imgur
Here we see that this silly tradition might be taken a bit too serious. The concentration and determination in all these women’s eyes show just how eager they are to win the bouquet.
Recessional Fail
The wedding recessional follows the official ceremony in which the newlyweds walk out of the church, chapel, or other ceremony site as official spouses. In different cultures and traditions now is the time to clap for the new couple and sprinkle them with coins, rice, confetti, or other items as a symbol of good luck.

Source: Tumblr
While in theory this sounds really sweet with the potential of being incredibly picturesque, if it’s not done correctly, you could end up like the image above, swatting a bucketful of rice from your face.
Keeping Your Bride Close
This wedding fail takes on a whole new meaning to keeping your loved ones close. Apparently this groom wanted to commemorate his big day with a little bride.

Source: Twitter
We couldn’t really tell you what the thought process was behind this photo, but at least we can all get a chuckle at the end result. Here’s to hoping the rest of their family portraits are sans photoshop.
Nananana BATMAN!
Imagine you’re having your “First Look” with your soon to be husband. Emotions are high, you’re excited and nervous. You turn around and you are greeted by no other than the one and only Batman. This beautiful bride however, seems to be unphased by her new Mr’s antics.

Source: Tumblr
We’re not going to lie…we were kind of hoping Robin would make an appearance! Afterall, who is Batman without his Robin?!
Unfortunate Initials
While this is an unfortunate letter pairing brought to life by giant glowing signs, we can only assume that it represents the couple’s initials.

Source: Tumblr
Now, did they know what they had done before setting it up or is it something they’ll realize after the fact by looking at the image above? M & S might have been a better way to spell it out.
And She’s Out
This couple was getting to share their first kiss as man, and wife when…bridesmaid down! We get the feeling that this bridesmaid’s friends are never going to let her live this down.

Source: Twitter
She will forever be “girl on the floor” in all of these couples’ first kiss photos. The silver-lining? At least the two lovebirds don’t seem to notice the series of unfortunate events happening right next to them.
Weatherman Says “ Expect Gusts Of Wind”
Wearing a big wedding dress can be a lot of work. They’re heavy, full of fluff, and you have to make sure it doesn’t drag on the ground all day long. After all, do you really want to spend a fortune on your dream dress just to have it get ruined? We didn’t think so!

This bride, on top of her already growing list of dress duties, had to throw the very unpredictable Mother Nature herself, into the mix as well. Here’s to our multi-tasking bride and the good laugh her new husband got at this unexpected gust of wind.
High Tide
These two lovebirds should have taken a peak at the beach warning flags before venturing down closer to the water for an impromptu photo-op. If you listen hard enough we feel like we can hear a Lifeguard in the distance yelling “I told you not to go down there!”

Source: Tumblr
Really though, is water and formal wear ever a good idea? Luckily it looks like the bride’s dress was saved from becoming a complete bath luffa.
I’m The *Star*
Cats are notorious for wanting to be- excuse me, demanding to be– the center of attention. This wedding fail fully supports that sentiment. This bride and groom are going to get their wedding photos back and be in for a surprise.

This bride and groom are going to get their wedding photos back and be in for quite the surprise. We get the vibe the this cat will be asking for a framed copy.
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Wedding
You know the saying “no shoes, no shirt, no service?” I’m sure this bride and groom were wishing this beach goer got that memo!

Source: Reddit
Can you imagine having this beautiful moment ruined by a naked stranger? Apparently, there was no other way to get up from the water but directly through the Mr. & Mrs. wedded bliss.
Not Your Average Bride
Like we’ve said before, most brides like to stick to the “traditional” white wedding dress when it comes to picking a gown for their big day. It looks like this bride had a different vision board hanging in her room growing up.

Source: Tumblr
Although we give props to this bride for choosing a dress that beats to the beat of its own drum, we’re not so sure we would choose this look for ourselves. However, we can’t blame a girl for over accessorizing, it happens to the best of us.
Compliments To The Chef
Will you be having the fish or the steak? Food is one of the biggest components at a wedding, and easily one of the most costly. This bride understood the assignment and wanted to make sure she got credit where credit was due.

Is she going to frame this photo from her special day and put it above her families fireplace? Probably not, but who are we to judge!
A Bold Choice
Let’s start with the obvious…there is a lot going on in this wedding fail. The 90’s elementary picture-day background, the fur rug, and the most jaw-dropping- the odd pose. Is the groom braiding the bride’s hair, is he helping adjust her spine? So many questions.

Source: Twitter
Even though we are just as confused as you are, one thing I’m sure we can all agree on is that the real MVPs of this portrait are the newlyweds. Couples tend to follow the creative direction of their photographer, but we’re sure most couples would draw the line at this.
This Wedding Is Brought To You By
We fully understand that weddings are costly productions, but would you go as far as agreeing to taking photos with a port-o-potty right after your wedding nuptials if you got a good deal?

Source: Tumblr
We can only assume that may be what is playing out here, because honestly why else would you willingly stand so close to a toilet? Especially in one of the most expensive outfits you are ever going to own! Next time we suggest trying to cut a deal with the florist instead.
When Brides Attack
Is shrinking down your spouse for your wedding photos a thing? You would honestly be surprised at the amount of wedding photos out there with tiny-tiny brides and grooms!

Source: Tumblr
This poor groom looks like he’s ready to be squashed by his new Mrs. wedding shoe. Here’s to hoping this lovely wedding photo isn’t a precursor of how married life is going to go for these two!
Be Your Cake and Eat It
This bride wanted to make a statement by having a real-life wedding cake. It’s pretty cool until you realize the ramifications of doing such a thing. For one, you have to stick a knife into your cake-self.

Source: Twitter
Then you need to eat a piece of yourself and watch all the guests slowly devour your confectionery-doppelganger. Perhaps they weren’t clear about the type of wedding cake they wanted. On the other hand, the baker did an excellent imitation of the bride.
When Nature Calls
When you gotta go, you gotta go. This beautiful new couple apparently decided they wanted to capture every single second of their special day.

Source: Pikabu
When we say every single second, we seriously mean every. single. second –bathroom breaks and all. We’re also here to ask the hard questions…why does the groom seem to be holding the bride’s shoes?
Sunday's Best
It looks as if this groom may have forgotten it was in fact, his wedding day, and not a highschool dance. Maybe the drycleaners burned down, or he hit snooze on his alarm clock one too many times? One will never know.

Source: Tumblr
Although the bright yellow flowers are a valid attempt at distracting wedding goers from his less-than stellar wedding attire, it’s hard not to think the bride may want to give him a piece of her mind later on. At least she was a good sport and smiled for the camera…another memo the groom obviously missed.
Who Wore it Better?
At first glance you see a stunning bride with a beautiful backdrop, walking her, uh, sheep? We get it, not all couples have a dog to take the place as “Man’s, Best Man”, but we have to wonder the lengths this bride had to go to get her soon to be husband to agree to letting her pet sheep in the wedding party.

Source: Imgur
At second glance we have to wonder if the sheep was invited out of respect for being the inspiration of the bride’s dress. Seriously though, who rocked it better?
Wedding Dress in the Modern Generation
Some people like dresses that are influenced by the 1980s—all ruffles and silk—while others prefer more current styles, like this one. We think it’s safe to say that some brides nowadays don’t mind showing off a bit of skin, like this one here.

Source: Tumblr
There’s no denying how sultry the gown is, and we think it looks fantastic on the bride. Is it a little too sexy for a wedding, though? However, if the bride wants it, we won’t be able to stop her. We just wonder what dresses will look like in another decade.
Where’d They Go?
I’m sure this beautiful new couple thought it would be a cute idea to wave goodbye to their guest from the backseat of a convertible.

Source: Tumblr
This could have been executed relatively flawlessly, as long as they didn’t have a total lead foot behind the wheel. One second both newlyweds are bidding their guests farewell and then BAM. Where did they go?! A sudden jolt forward and the bride and groom went tumbling off the car.
Just A Quick Dip
We’ve already tackled the water induced mishaps when it comes to a photographer suggesting a newlywed couple get “just a little closer to the water” for an iconic wedding photo. But how do you come back from your entire wedding party being fully submerged in water?

Source: Tumblr
Do you show up to the reception sopping wet and just hope no one notices? Do you all walk through the drying part of a carwash? Seriously, we need to know. We are hoping this new couple can look back now and laugh.
A “Little” Under The Weather
This is a first for us. In our quest to find you the most epic wedding fails we have come across everything from wardrobe faux paus, to wedding cake blunders. But this, this really is in a whole category on its own.

Source: Reddit
Nerves are a huge factor on the big day, but usually they are felt most by the bride and groom. This poor officiant must have had a bad case of nerves and could not hold them in any longer. These wedding photos may end up in the back of this couples album.
Potpourri Anyone?
We always hear about what’s going to happen if you catch the bouquet, but what happens when it gets chopped to bits and rains down on all the female guests?

Source: Tumblr
Does everyone get proposal vibes? Maybe everyone who catches a handful of petals will soon have a really awkward first date. If this has ever happened to anyone please fill us in on the results.
Got Champs?
Champagne is a must when getting ready for the big day. This bridesmaid must have thought the bottle was empty and that they’d just get a cute shot of the bride going to town on some bubbly before the walk down the aisle.

Source: Tumblr
Trouble is, it was most decidedly not empty. The moment ended in a priceless shot and thankfully it doesn’t look like it ruined the bride’s makeup.
Interesting Photo Pose
Wedding days are full of photoshoots. You want to make sure you capture this momentous day with all you friends and family in all sorts of different poses.

Source: Tumblr
Well, as for this pose, it is certainly different. Perhaps this is an inside joke we simply don’t understand, but this photo is definitely a hilarious image for the photo book!
This Takes The Cake…
The big, traditional, white wedding cake has somewhat become a thing of the past. Couples now-a-days are opting for cupcake towers, cakepops, or even a whole dessert spread in liue of the giant overly-expensive statement cake.

Source: Reddit
This however, is something we can guarantee you will not see trending as the “latest” in wedding sweets. First off, a skunk? Secondly, we have to wonder if this skunk has contracted some form of rabies, despite its “casual” demeanor. Lastly, how do you explain to your baker that this is in fact exactly what you had envisioned as your dream dessert.
He’s MINE.
Change is hard, am I right? We get the feeling this best man is tired of being the third wheel, and he has now come to the realization this is his life now that his buddy officially tied the knot.

Source: Reddit
This cute wedding photo will forever have captured a happy new couple and the groom’s salty best man. The rivalry is real between these two, but we’re sure they will be able to share accordingly.
Birthday Suit
A girls wedding dress is easily one of their most thought out ensembles. So much time, planning, and I’m sure multiple Pinterest boards go into the dress selection process. The wedding fail above can’t help but make us scratch our heads.

Source: Reddit
In case you can’t tell these newlywed couples are sans clothing. Nothing but some big ol’ smiles, strategically placed fabric, and paint composes these wedding outfits. Snaps for making such a bold choice.
First Drop
“I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss your bride.” The words every soon to be Mr. & Mrs are dying to hear. The first cemented moments as man, and wife.

Source: Tumblr
The couple above, however, did not get what they hoped would be their perfectly choreographed first kiss and dip captured in a priceless photo. Instead, the photographer captured the moment the groom dropped his bride mid-dip in front of all their guests. At least they were both able to laugh and and have a funny story to tell for their first kiss.
Smile, Everyone!
This is such a lovely photo. The bride in the middle is looking gorgeous with her lovely bridesmaids all around her looking lovely. It looks like they had quite a day. There’s not a hair out of place. Or is there?

Source: Tumblr
If your eyes wander to the windows, you will see a woman smiling from outside. As far as we can tell, she’s not dressed for a wedding, so we have to assume that she was just passing by and her bridesmaid instincts just kicked in.
Roses Are Red
The poor bride probably can’t even see where she is going, but luckily, she has her new hubby by her side to guide her in the right direction.

Source: Tumblr
At least rose petals smell good, and this isn’t something hard like rice. We’re still wondering why someone would throw a handful or petals at the bride though.
What A Beautiful Backdro...Bulldozer?
This bride and groom really dig each other. This could have been a lovely beach wedding, but why on earth is there a piece of heave equipment in the background?

Source: Tumblr
Did it just randomly drive across the beach while the groom and bride were having one of the most important moments in their lives, or was it there for decoration? Who knows…but it’s for sure not something you see every day in the backdrop of a wedding.
The More, The Merrier?
Weddings are expensive. There’s no doubt about that. In order to bring the costs down, some couples have no choice but to share the venue with another event. Because, why not?

Source: Tumblr
As this groom and bride were exchanging vows by the beach, dozens of what looks like Marines, ran into the water for what we can assume is a training exercise. At least the bride and groom seems to be focused on only each other!
Rain, Rain, Go AWAY.
Here we have another windy situation. The poor bride to be is fighting for her life against the elements as the wind practically yanks away her umbrella.

Source: Tumblr
The look on this beautiful brides face makes us wonder if anything actually went right on her big wedding day. The say rain on your wedding day is supposed to bring you luck, but is there anything about wind?
The Golden Arches
Everyone wants to get married somewhere fancy. This couple’s budget didn’t stretch very far, but this didn’t stop them from having a wedding under the golden arches. The golden arches of McDonalds that is.

Source: Imgur
This Mr. & Mrs. picked McDonald’s as the destination for their wedding and got married right outside the restaurant as people were eating their meals inside. We like how the pastor is standing right behind the large “M” sign. It’s a cute touch!
No Pets Allowed
Judging by the look on this bride’s face, she doesn’t know why this man we can assume is a wedding guest brought out his large reptile either. In fact, she looks concerned and scared and probably wishes the man would take his pet elsewhere.

Source: Reddit
I’m sure this stunning new couple will be sure to include “no pets allowed” on every invitation they ever send out…ever again.
Hey Guys, You Need Anything?
We have all been there awkwardly sitting next to a couple that just can’t take their hands off each other. There’s nothing worse than being a third wheel, especially when you are single and ready to mingle! Poor girl.

Source: Imgur
We really give her props for acting like theres “nothing to see here.” We get the feeling she’s pretty used to this situation already.
Strike A Pose
Even the most professional photographers sometimes have a hard time getting a wedding party to pose happily for picture after picture on a wedding day

Source: Imgur
Eventually, they need to get creative. Thats when they whip out the “ok everyone, get ready to jump in 3, 2, 1!” In this case the photographer captured one groomsman mid-slip.
That's Some Nice Fruit
What a beautiful cake topper! Just kidding, we mean couple. Definitely the couple. We only have one question…what’s the meaning for the pairs?

Source: Imgur
Maybe this is some kind of an inside joke? Who knows. But you sure don’t see something like this very often at a wedding!
Party On
Weddings are celebrations after all, so it’s common for guests and the newlyweds to party hard at the reception. However, this image below might be an example of partying just a little bit too hard.

Source: Tumblr
Maybe set some ground rules before the party to ensure no guest goes crowd surfing and gets thrown through the ceiling. Just a suggestion, though!
What A Load of Bull
We can’t help wondering what prompted the taking of this particular photograph. They look like they’re about to receive a stampede to the face—or at the very least a rather angry look from a terse-looking farmer standing behind a wooden fence with a blade of grass between his teeth.

Source: Tumblr
It’s an odd choice to go with, to say the least. We hope the cattle enjoyed their time photobombing at the couple – or is it the other way around? Maybe this guy is a farmer, or maybe he’s just known for his “bull.” In any case, it looks like they were having fun.
The After Party
What you see before, you are three chill bridesmaids having the best time at the wedding afterparty, and don’t let anyone tell it to you differently. Take note everybody. This is how you should dance: like nobody’s watching—like nobody can hear or see you—like you can’t hear or see yourself, or feel your own legs.

Source: Tumblr
This is what it looks like when someone loosens up every single part of their body, including the muscles in their face. To the person who took this shot, we salute you for your bravery. We hope you are okay. Without a doubt, these ladies will be coming for you if they discover that you were behind the shot.
When Nature Calls
When you gotta go, you gotta go! Weddings are a whole day ordeal and sometimes you just need a moment to yourself. This little guy just couldn’t hold it anymore, so he decided to pee right next to the happy couple.

Source: Reddit
We love that everyone here seems to take this moment for what it is, a happy moment with some much needed comic relief. I’m sure this moment will be spoken about for years at every family gathering!
Taking Care of His Bride
Mistakes happen all the time, and they may occur in the most unexpected situations. Like when you’re trying to take a wedding photo and you accidentally ruin it by putting your hands just a little lower than your bride’s shoulder. In order to avoid embarrassment, it’s best just to maintain a straight face.

Source: Tumblr
Clearly, this was an important photo for the bride, as she didn’t move her head to look up to her soon-to-be husband, or shift the smile on her face. Only her eyes betray her ice-cold fury. This is a beautiful moment, and a great memento to show the grandkids.
A Wedding Gift
In some areas of the world, the groom will send presents to the bride’s family. The present might be a cow, goat, or money. However, we have no idea which part of the world this tradition could be taking place in. Frankly, we have many questions about what kind of animal this is.

Source: Tumblr
We’re assuming that the red bucket is some kind of secondary gift. Going off the leopard print fur and the horns, we’d say that it’s some kind of bull-cat-centaur? The more you think you know about the world, the more the world surprises you.
Send Help!
The perfect wedding photo out in the open, with a beautiful natural backdrop? We all want that. This couple decided to take their wedding photos near the lake. It was a good idea in theory. However, they probably didn’t expect their collective weight to be too much for the little boat to handle.

Source: Twitter
It’s not one person’s fault, obviously. It was everyone’s fault! Unless this was an “everybody trash your dresses” moment, we feel very sorry for the people about to take an impromptu plunge here. We hope that all of them could swim and that they managed to salvage the situation.