Unsettling GoPro and Drone Footage That Will Give You the Chills
Drone cameras and GoPros have allowed us to capture amazing footage from intriguing angles. Drones provide a birds eye view of landscapes without disturbing the scene.
GoPros and other body cameras give a first person perspective to adrenaline junkie’s adventures. We’ve gathered some unbelievable photos that impressed us and gave us the chills. These images are sure to make you uncomfortable.
Life on the edge
GoPro allows anyone to capture incredible footage like a professional photographer. They’ve been used by surfers, travelers, mountain climbers, bikers, and more thrill seekers to capture real-time action.

The first person point of view is especially fascinating when daredevils bring their camera along on their adventures. This adrenaline junkie decided to bring us along on his adventure to the top of the building. Don’t look down!
Look out below
A group of tourists in Mexico got a little more than they paid for on this whale watching trip! In an image like this, you can appreciate the beautiful scene while also fearing it.

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The gray whale beneath the boat is enormous and could certainly overturn the boat if it wanted to. Fortunately, the majestic animal just gave the boat a little love tap before continuing its adventure.
Mama and babies
This orca playfully joins a woman on her swim! The female killer whale and two babies started to circle the swimmer. What could have been a pretty scary encounter turned into an incredible moment in nature.

The juvenile whales watch as their mom swims around with the adventurous woman. They’re awfully gentle for an animal with “killer” in the name. She is lucky they didn’t mistake her for a seal. Now she can knock swimming with killer whales off the bucket list!
Beware the hammerhead
This scary drone footage revealed a large hammerhead shark swimming just below a man in Miami. The man is blissfully unaware of the shark as he smiles up at the camera.

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Fortunately, the hammerhead seems to have been unaware or uninterested in the man because he swam by him for a while before heading in another direction. We can’t imagine the man’s shock when he saw the footage of himself with the giant shark.
Masters of prey
Crocodiles are deadly predators that have mastered the art of stalking and killing their prey. As such, it’s best to keep a very healthy distance between you and them. Fortunately, drone footage allows us a really intimate look into crocs and their habits.

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In this shot, a drone catches 6 crocodiles circled up. We do not envy whatever critter is in the middle of this circle about to become lunch.
Bacon for dinner
In Papua New Guinea a giant crocodile celebrates the score of a delicious meal. A drone catches this incredible footage of a croc with an entire pig in its mouth.

the richest
A photographer caught the incredible moment the animal drifted to the surface of the water with the pig in its mouth. No doubt it’s going to enjoy its spoils after a long day of hunting for dinner.
Shark vs. dolphin...Eeek
A group of great white sharks were caught feeding on a dolphin off the coast of California. The scariest part is that there were swimmers only yards away from the frenzy.

drone dj
It’s a close look at survival of the fittest that we don’t always get to see firsthand. Seeing this from the boats that were close to the scene must have been an unforgettable experience.
Sharks and their friends
It’s a very rare sight and one we are glad to see from far far away. Drone footage is especially fascinating when it comes to sea life. What’s scarier than a shark? 70 sharks. This drone camera caught 70 sharks in a feeding frenzy around some boats.

They look to be feeding off a large whale carcass. The crystal clear water allows for the camera to catch the entire scene. Lucky that no one fell off the boats and into the water or else it would have been whale for dinner and humans for dessert.
A friendly hello
A hunter found a lost GoPro that had been lost months before. When he charged the camera and took a look at the footage he was in for a surprise! A bear had found the abandoned camera and decided to say hello!

Not only did he turn the camera on himself but he curiously inspected the object before moving on and leaving it behind. Lucky for us, the hunter shared the incredible footage of the bear playing with the camera online.
Careful where you step
This one is sure to make your skin crawl. A hiker in Hawaii took a terrifying slip down a waterfall. The entire incident was caught on her GoPro camera. She lost her footing and fell a whole 50 feet into the water below.

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She had turned her camera on only moments before the fall to capture the beautiful waterfall. Her misstep cost her broken ribs and a collapsed lung. Fortunately, she did make a full recovery!
Upside down
In this incredible GoPro footage, a diver swims upside down against the top of a frozen lake. He drifts across it with ease, but it sure gives us goosebumps. What if he gets stuck under there?

You might also notice an ominous-looking figure in the background. While it might appear like a secret sea monster, it is actually just another diver exploring the great blue sea. No mermaids here!
Any fear of heights?
One of the most common uses for GoPro cameras is to record parkour tricks. This man records as he climbs on top of a bridge and looks down below. He drops something into the water which makes a splash and shows you just how high off the ground he is!

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We’re not sure we totally understand the thrill seekers who live this close to the edge. This camera angle is enough to make us want to take a step back to safety.
Alligator vs. camera
A wildlife photographer captured the shot of the century when an alligator goes after one of his cameras. The huge reptile opens his mouth wide and shows off some impressively large teeth.

He bites down hard on the camera but quickly realizes it isn’t food. Camera equipment doesn’t taste as good as fish. He swims off. Thankfully, the camera only suffered minor damage and the photographer is left with this unbelievable footage.
That's a large mouth
In another example of an animal mistaking a camera for food, we get this insane view of a shark’s mouth. This up-close footage makes you feel a little too close to the toothy animal for comfort.

You can clearly see some very impressive teeth that line the huge shark’s mouth. This must be the last thing a lot of fish see in their final moments. Lucky for us we can experience this unbelievable view safely on our computer screens.
A dangerous hangout
A thrill seeking daredevil hangs from scaffolding in Europe in this viral footage. In this terrifying image he hangs from a single hand and dangles 250 feet above the city. While it might have been fun for him, it almost makes us feel sick!

The adventurer said that he chose the location because of how high it was. He could not pass up the opportunity to climb the crane and film some footage from high above. He’s either very brave or very stupid. You decide!
A horrifying surprise
While looking for lionfish, a swimmer gets a surprise from a shark. It appears to come out of nowhere and sets its sights on the swimmer. The camera strapped to his body catches the entire incident.

Reef sharks are relatively small (but no less terrifying) than other species of shark. They grow to be about 10 feet in length. That’s definitely big enough to give you a frightening shock! He fights the shark off with a spear which you can see in the image.
Good angles
There is no shortage of daredevils seeking thrills and bringing their camera along to record the adventure. With a GoPro strapped to his head, the man launches off a cliffside and glides through the air.

You can almost feel your stomach drop from free fall by looking at this photo. He’s not the only one enjoying the fall. You can see another thrill chaser in the background enjoying his own flying experience.
Take a hike!
This bridge hugs a tall mountainside in China. The bottom of the bridge is entirely glass so you can see the 1,000 foot drop below your feet. This tourist attraction is not for the faint of heart.

The bridge is the longest glass-bottomed trail in the world and it wraps around the mountain in a spiral. While there’s no denying the stunning scenery, we prefer to experience it with our feet planted firmly on the ground.
Just keep swimming
Sharing the ocean with sharks must be scary! We can see these fish have the right idea: give them some room. When it comes to these predators “power in numbers” isn’t all that effective.

You can see the school of fish perfectly avoiding the shark so they don’t become today’s lunch. It’s fascinating to watch them evade the predators from above.
Feeding Frenzy
Here you can see survival of the fittest playing out on-screen. A small pod of killer whales feasts on another ocean mammal. It looks like a parent Orca brought dinner home to the younger ones.

We are fortunate that a drone from above caught this family feast on camera. This is the kind of scene marine scientists and researchers long to see for their entire careers. Drones allow for incredible footage of wildlife without disturbing it.
Down below
Shipwrecks can be very mysterious. Think about all of the lost treasures that could be lying on the bottom of the ocean floor right now. Why didn’t the ship make it out? What could be hiding in there?

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A combination of excellent drone cameras and clear water allow for us to examine this sunken ship from above. It makes you wonder what the story surrounding this mysterious ship is. What might divers find there if they were to explore it.
Risky handstand
For some parkour fanatics, doing a handstand just simply isn’t enough. They have to stand on their hands on the edge of a building. This particular man brought his camera up to the top of a 500 foot building in Tel Aviv, Israel.

He sets up the camera on the edge of the building and starts doing insane stunts. One small move could mean falling over. Even a light breeze could knock him over. It makes us cringe to watch but he seems to know what he’s doing.
Watch behind you
One of the most incredible things about whales is their sheer size and without something to compare them to, it is difficult to really appreciate how big these creatures are. This camera caught a truly amazing scene in which a whale looks to be following a boat.

The boat is maybe half the size of the humpback whale behind it. It gives us that familiar feeling of fear and awe at the same time. Like so many other drone photos, it’s stunning and terrifying all at once.
Don’t swim here
Drones are often used to study sea animal patterns and learn from them. One such camera catches a huge group of stingrays migrating together. At first glance you might not even be able to tell what they are.

It’s pretty incredible to see this many stingrays moving in such close quarters together. But can you imagine accidentally swimming into this group? Their barbs can be fatal. Ouch!
Two on one
Standup paddle boarding is a serene activity that allows you to enjoy the water from the comfort of a paddle board. But how much comfort does that floating device give you when faced by 2 giant whales?

We’re sure this man was completely shocked (and probably frightened) when these 2 beasts swam directly under his board. He’s lucky they didn’t make too many waves as they passed. They’re probably more interested in the fish than the man, but we sure wouldn’t want to come face to face with these animals in the deep blue sea alone.
A whirlpool of terror
Naturally occurring things in nature can be simultaneously beautiful and freaky. This sink hole is one such example. Imagine swimming around and being suddenly sucked into this vortex. It looks like some kind of passage to the underworld.

daily express
It is actually a perfectly normal sinkhole that can result from unstable ground. But if you didn’t know that, you might be absolutely terrified at the sight of this daunting opening in the water. The lesson here is “watch where you swim” unless you want to be sucked into inner earth.
Bubble hunting
This is a really incredible image of humpbacks hunting food. Without context you might not even be able to tell what you’re looking at. Two whales are blowing bubbles in a cyclone pattern to capture krill.

cosmos magazine
The two are working together to capture the krill coming to the surface of the water and enjoying their catch. It’s a beautiful example of natural feeding processes that we don’t always get to see so close up.
Gulliver the Giant
Google Maps satellite features captured this strange and mysterious formation in Scotland. The structure raised many questions and concerns about where it came from and what the point of it is.

daily express
The limbs appear to be disjointed and it’s just all around creepy. If that wasn’t enough for you, the creator turns out to be a convicted murderer. It’s decayed over time because it was a popular children’s playground and time has not been kind.
Killer clowns
2016 was a strange year. Clowns were going around tormenting and terrifying people for seemingly no reason. Some people speculated it was a marketing ploy for the upcoming clown film, It.

A drone camera caught this chilling scene of a clown lurking in a field. It’s a bone chilling scene because the clown stares dead into the camera with a curious head tilt. It feels like he can see us!
Tallest building in the world
If standing on the edge of a building wasn’t enough to thrill you, try this picture on for size. The Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest building in the world standing at over 2,700 feet.

We’re not sure what inspires a person to stand on the very edge and look down, but it sure makes for a goosebump-inducing photo. We sure hope this person is strapped in because at a height like that, there’s no surviving a fall.
Strength in numbers
In another incredible example of sealife up close and personal, we see thousands of fish and a few sharks just below the water’s surface. You can clearly see at least 3 large sharks swimming around, probably looking for a snack.

The fish are too smart to put themselves in the sharks’ path so they create these interesting shapes as they avoid them as a group. It’s an unbelievable scene to watch from above.
Fluffy pink bunny
On a mountain side in Italy, you’ll find a giant decomposing pink bunny sculpture. This plush rabbit is completely out of place against the lush green countryside of Italy. You might be wondering, “Why is this thing here?” and you’re not alone. We wondered the same thing.

history a2z
As it turns out, the answer is simple. It’s art. A group of artists created this 200-foot long creature. But they didn’t plan on it eroding away so quickly. What was once a giant pink bunny is now a gray-ish decayed piece of fabric.
Too close for comfort
Dubai has tons of incredibly tall buildings, including the Burj Khalifa, which is the tallest building in the world. Parkour is popular in the city because of the landscape that allows for people to creatively move from one place to another.

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This man obviously likes to live on the edge (literally). We don’t think he could be closer to falling even if he tried. It looks like he’s not even holding onto anything because his one hand is visible in the image and we assume the other is holding the camera.
Deep dive
In a 1983 diving competition that took place at Seaworld, people gathered to see 6 divers perform the highest dives of all time. They created a 172-foot high platform, which the divers climbed up and dove off of.

It gives us the chills to see the distance between this man and the water below. While these brave men were all professionals, dives from these heights often result in injury.
Walking the line
This death-defying photo makes our stomach turn. Tight rope walking is no easy sport. It requires complete concentration and balance. One tiny mismove means you’re falling over and at a height like this, the result could be dire.

bored panda
Fortunately, it looks like this woman has herself strapped to the rope so she won’t fall to her demise. But not only is she walking the line, she is doing yoga on the line. We’re impressed but also very on edge.
Sweep it away
Sharks are usually not that interested in eating us, but they are curious about humans and often will approach boats to see what’s up. In this example, a shark swam up to a fishing boat to investigate.

When he gets a little too close for comfort, the fisherman decides he needs to fight him off before he ends up in the water. His weapon of choice is a broom that happened to be onboard. Thankfully, it was effective.
Spider’s high dive
In another example of diving from incredible heights, a man stands above an 80-foot drop in Jamaica. This man’s name is Spider, which is fitting of a man who jumps off cliffs for fun.

From this angle, you can even see the jagged rocks that litter the water below. Not only is this location one of the craziest high dives we’ve ever seen, but Spider has an interesting take on life-threatening jumps. Right before he dives, he simply says, “No problem”.
Free solo
Rock climbing requires a ton of talent and free solo climbing is one of the most difficult and dangerous ways to scale a mountain. It is basically just you and the mountain out there with little to no safety measures to fall back on.

moments journal
The climber uses crevices and cracks in the face of the rocks to climb. A mountain like this is especially shocking, because it is basically a vertical straight up climb to the top. You can imagine what happens if one rock comes loose or one hand is placed incorrectly.
Helmets on
This photo really gives us the chills. If mountain biking weren’t enough, you can bike on a narrow, uneven cliff against the side of a mountain. As you can see, there’s no safety net if an accident happens.

bored panda
A fall would certainly be fatal based on the height of the cliff and the jagged nature of all the rocks below. Those helmets probably aren’t going to be enough to protect from a fall like this. We’ll stick to the regular bike paths, but to each their own!
The new way to camp
Mountain climbers and free solo climbers occasionally need to stop and rest. But where can you rest when you’re hanging off the side of a mountain? This is how they do it.

bored panda
Climbers hang their belongings and tents from hooks in the side of the mountain to take some time to sleep! I’m not sure how much rest I’d get hanging above a drop this high.