Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden delivered a brief statement in Wilmington, Delaware on Thursday, to restate his trust in being declared the next President of the US.
Here is a rundown of events that took place before and after the 2020 Elections.
#20: Biden visits late son’s resting place.
The former US vice-president chose to kick-off his hectic Election Day schedule by dropping by Wilmington, Delaware, to visit the grave of his late son Beau Biden before joining his campaign team.
#19: Donald Trump announces election victory prematurely.
Even if there is no evidence pointing to the election’s outcome, President Donald Trump claimed that he already won the election. Trump made a false statement, which was condemned by both Biden’S camp and some Republicans, who believed that the claim was “outrageous.”
#18: The highest voter turnout was announced.
According to the US Election Project, this year’s election had the highest voter turnout since 1990.
#17: The state of Nevada revealed that they would not announce any data until Thursday.
Nevada is one of the remaining states that have yet to announce a winner. Based on the live update system posted by The Associated Press, Biden leads the race, with 84% of the votes counted. Nevada is one of the key states for both camps.
#16: Donald Trump claims the Democrats are trying to “steal” the election.
On Twitter, Trump claimed that he is significantly ahead of his opponent, but the Democrats are stealing the election. Twitter labelled the post as disputed and misleading.
#15: Wisconsin shifted.
In 2016, the state turned Red in favor of the Republicans. But as of November 5, the state turned Blue and granted ten votes for Biden.
#14: Trump wins Florida, Iowa, and Ohio.
As expected, these key states catapulted the incumbent President in the running for re-election. However, Biden’s victory in Wisconsin and Minnesota is blocking Trump’s goal to stay in the White House.
#13: Both camps believe they are leading.
In interviews, Biden’s campaign manager said that he is “on track” in winning the 2020 election, which means that he will be the next US president. Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign manager claimed that counting all the legally casted votes could make him win the presidency for the second time.
#12: Biden reminds his campaign supporters to continue keeping the faith.
When Donald Trump was leading in the battleground states, Biden spoke in Delaware to show his gratitude to his supporters. He also took the time to stress that everyone must “keep the faith.”
#11: Trump wants Election workers to stop the counting.
The President is ordering the Election workers to stop counting. Based on an analysis from CNN, this order is a direct attack on the country’s democracy. According to reporter Stephen Collinson, the remarks can be considered as a demand to bar the legally cast votes of millions of American citizens from being recorded. This move also increases the risk of a possible constitutional nightmare that began months ago when Trump started to taint the election that he was worried he could lose.
#10: Biden brought Wisconsin back to the Blue map.
The nation was shocked when Wisconsin, a usually Democrat state, turned Red during the 2016 Elections and elected Trump in the presidency. But the citizens of the state had a change of heart in 2020 when it supported Biden for his bid to the White House.
#9: The Squad members were re-elected.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, NY-14, Ayanna Pressley, MA-7, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, MI-13, Rep. and Rep. Ilhan Omar, MN-5, collectively known as The Squad of the US Congress, all successfully won their re-election bid in their states for this year’s election. The four women are part of an informal group within the Democratic Party. They are popular for representing young women of color in the US Congress.
#8: Donald Trump causes speculations on the credibility of the election.
In one of his many Twitter rants after the election, Trump claimed that the situation turned strange after his lead last Tuesday night in battleground and swing states diminished, even if most political advisors and journalists believed that there is no clear evidence of fraudulent voter’s activity in any of the state.
#7: Trump’s Twitter posts restricted.
The social networking site opted to flag the President’s rants as misleading to avoid confusing the voters.
#6: The final winning strategies are declared.
The winner’s paths have been raised in an article from The Guardian.
The article mentioned that Biden would most likely get the coveted 270 electoral votes if he wins Wisconsin, Michigan, and Nevada. His victory will be further cemented if he managed to turn either Georgia or North Carolina to Blue once all the ballots are counted.
Meanwhile, Trump would only win if he will get all the 54 electoral votes from all the remaining states that have yet to call the election. It means that he must sweep Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska, and Nevada.
#5: Biden gets more votes compared to other presidential candidates in the past.
Biden already surpassed former President Barack Obama in the popular votes. As of the moment, the Democrat candidate received 70,147,282 from the public’s vote.
#4: Trump’s camp reveals filing for a recount in Wisconsin.
In a statement, Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stephen said reports claiming irregularities in some Wisconsin counties. He said that it raised serious doubts about the election results, so the President ordered a recount.
But there is no evidence of voter fraud available at the moment.
#3: Maine’s Democratic nominee conceded in defeat.
Republican’S Susan Collins announced that her opponent, Sara Gideon, had already conceded. It made Collins the winner in the state’S second congressional district.
#2: Trump files campaign lawsuit in PA.
After the election, Trump when on a lawsuit spree. One of his latest moves is filing lawsuits in Pennsylvania, where he believed that he was supposed to win.
#1: Biden captures Michigan
The Democratic candidate was declared the winner in Michigan.
Still, the clear winner of the election is undeclared since the ballots are still being counted.
More updates are expected to come out soon.