Not So Neighborly Texts with a Twist
We all have that neighbor that may or may not keep us up at night. From loud music to stealing our paper we have all experienced the neighbor that gets under our skin in the worst possible way. Here are some of the most annoying neighbor moments that’ll make you laugh and cringe at the same time.
Either you’ll be thankful for your neighbors after this or you’ll feel more motivated to put them on this “neighborly” countdown after this. One way or another these neighbors are the “gift” that keeps on giving regardless if we want them to or not. Too bad their return address is right across the hall.
If You Can't Handle the Heat...
We are all for being neighborly, but giving your neighbor’s details for your package delivery before asking is a little too extra for comfort. If you can’t handle the heat, stay out of the kitchen because things are about to get spicy.

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This neighbor might be stepping out just to make a point and things might end up with one less stove and an angry hallway. Someone’s husband may be stuck taking all the blame too, talk about throwing everyone into the fire.
If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
As the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, you might as well join in, but you should at least know your audience. This neighbor was not having any of this disruption. The name saved on this phone, says it all. Looks like these neighbors aren’t the sharpest bunch, throwing in some alcohol probably just made matters worse.

Source: Reddit / huffpost
We hope no throw-up was produced in the making of this unfriendly neighbor encounter. They’ll surely hear about this in the morning, especially with such paper-thin walls. Payback can be so unkind.
You're A Walking Dead Man
Using someone else’s internet is stealing all the same. This neighbor is walking a fine line between dead and alive. At least one neighbor might be dead meat after this not-so-casual text exchange. We’ll let you guess which one.

Source: Reddit / huffpost
Hopefully, they both splurged on the good insurance this time around because the internet is already dead, along with any relationship they may have had. Keep your Netflix password close to your chest, you’ve been warned.
Judgement Day
This neighborly exchange didn’t exactly end in a fight but there is some serious shaming happening here. Not the most ideal situation to be in with a neighbor, not to mention one of the most awkward.

Source: Reddit
Romantic comedy it is not but it might just be the beginning of the end of these neighbor’s relationship before it even starts. It’s safe to say that it would have been the shortest film in theaters.
Too Clogged to Function
Relief could not be farther than what this neighbor got from his counterparts across the hall. What would you do if it was you? We get the precedence, but there may have been an alternative way to handle this situation. At least this neighbor was met with some understanding although it didn’t get them very far.

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The asker may not be able to look at their neighbor in the eyes again. It doesn’t get more up close and personal than this, well it can but fortunately for the other neighbor, it didn’t get as far as that. One less clog to worry about, but one more neighbor to avoid.
One Last Song
This neighbor may have sung their last song, so we hope it was worth it. We all have a favorite song that we can’t get enough of, but this neighbor might be pushing it. It surely pushed their neighbor up a wall. These innocent neighbors subjected to someone else’s one-song playlist are probably wishing they paid a bit more attention to their neighbors before they signed their lease.

Source: Pinterest / Horn
Who do you think will crack first? We can’t hear you over the music but our bets are on our one song-wonder. Karma is the gift that keeps on giving, now that’s a song we can get behind.
Salsa or Sleep?
That unspoken word that children are off limits was crossed here. This neighbor had a surprisingly mellow response than more people, but it could just be the calm before the storm. We all love a little salsa before bed but not at 1:35 am, not to be confused with some salsa and chips.

Source: Reddit
Maybe if they offered some salsa with a side of chips things would have ended up different between these neighbors. I guess we will never know for sure.
You're Not the Star! You Owe Me Several Bucks!
You’re sure to make friends when you share caffeine but not when you steal someone else’s latte, especially if it’s this early in the morning. The only way to somewhat salvage this neighbor-ship is if some bucks are returned to the owner. It’s safe they will accept several forms of payment, cash, Venmo, or Starbucks points.

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Hopefully, this neighbor doesn’t turn into a tyrannosaurus rex without their coffee. Pro-tip, if you don’t want to get on your neighbor’s bad side, don’t steal their coffee. It’s basic rules of neighbor conduct 101. If there was a manual, this would be number one. Looks like this neighbor missed the most important lesson.
Breaking and Entering
Rob in 5F you are the sneakiest of burglars. Honesty is usually welcomed and what we would want in all of our neighbors but this crosses about 50 boundaries and perhaps some laws in the process. This is too honest for comfort.

Source: reddit
Perhaps the best or worst part of it all is that Rob has no shame in admitting his actions. He is a little too neighborly and comfortable in the act, his level of confidence is shocking. That’s how you know he has been doing it for far too long. For his neighbor’s sake, we hope their new hiding place is out of his reach.
Shine Bright Like A Diamond
Getting proposed to is quite a milestone, and many people dream about this day, but sometimes when your neighbors get too involved in your personal life it can backfire. We think this neighbor may be putting her head down in the hallway after accidentally throwing salt in a wound.

Source: reddit
We still think Matt’s Ex dodged a bullet, too bad her neighbor indirectly caught one instead. Hopefully, these two can pretend this text exchange never happened or else building meetings may be anything but a happily ever after.
What's Mine is Yours...
If you’re an animal lover, chances are high that you’ve adopted at least one stray cat in your lifetime, but have you ever accidentally “adopted” your neighbor’s cat? This may not be the neighbor’s fault entirely since cats are notorious for trying to get as much food as they can. Although this neighbor should have known better.

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If you’re getting the police involved it’s a safe bet that you’re relationship definitely won’t be as neighborly after this so get your mind out of the litter and keep your paws up… we mean hands. The cat might need a booking too.
I'm Late, Late for a Very Important Date
Perhaps one of the worst things you can do as a neighbor is block someone’s car. Oh how the tables have turned, when you’re in a hurry and you’re stuck this can be one of the most annoying instances, not to mention you’ll feel the most helpless.

Source: reddit
Don’t do to others what you wouldn’t wish upon yourself because as we can see, what goes around comes around. How late do you think this neighbor made his neighbor? We are hoping late enough so that it doesn’t happen again.
McMuffin Blackmail
Dave from next door has his work cut out for him as his neighbor blackmails him with McMuffin runs. You may not be loving it as much after this. Sometimes you just can’t help but crave a McMuffin in the morning and you can’t bring yourself to go alone. With a neighbor like Dave, you won’t have to.

Source: reddit
We hope that Dave also gets some dirt on his neighbor so he can return the favor. There is a late-night menu that you wouldn’t want to miss. Worst case we can always call Jerica.
A Pigsty it is Not, but Pig Headed Perhaps
We all hope that our neighbors are clean and organized, having such neighbors is the dream, but this might be overkill. If your neighbor is a morning person like this one then you may be wishing they were a little lazier and a little messier so you could sleep in at least once.

Source: reddit
You’re out of luck and sometimes you just can’t have it all. We recommend picking your battles or moving because it looks like the leaf blower is here to stay and so is this neighbor. RIP to your lazy Saturdays, this neighbor has no chill.
Hide Your Cars, Hide Your Keys
Making new friends is always nice but not when you just happen to find them in your car. This neighbor did the most unneighborly thing to his neighbor by letting a stray homeless make a home in their neighbor’s car. The kindness of strangers is one thing but this gives the kindness of others a whole new meaning.

Source: reddit
Talk about learning a lesson the hard way, we bet this neighbor won’t forget to lock their car doors after this incident. The other neighbor though may want to sleep with one eye open.
Mistaken Identity Times 3
This neighbor encounter brings up so many questions, how did this neighbor mistake Steve for Todd and Todd for Ashley? If there is a neighbor group chat this neighbor definitely isn’t in it. Also who the heck casually has a chainsaw in their home let alone is using it at 7:00a.m?

Source: reddit
Hopefully, Ashley can help solve and clear up some matters and their relationship isn’t as ruined as Steve’s is with this upset neighbor.
Caught Red Handed
Ideally, we all try to be good neighbors. This neighbor even went above and beyond by letting her neighbor Karyn borrow her coat. This could have been the start of great neighbor relations but not only did Karyn “lose” her coat but she lied about it.

Source: reddit
Karyn had her neighbor’s coat the whole time and even went out of her way to wear it when her neighbor was allegedly out of town. Fortunately for this neighbor, she caught Karyn red-handed in the act. Looks like any hopes of becoming friends went out the window. We now just hope Karyn gives her the coat back, finally.
Friendly Animals
We don’t know what’s worse, blaming your neighbor for the raccoon in the yard or mistaking a raccoon for a cat. This neighbor may need to get more than their eyes checked after this interaction.

Source: reddit
What does this even say about this neighbor’s yard? They can take it either as a compliment or an insult. We home this raccoon finds a different home because no one is about to claim this stray.
Bye Bye Cry Baby
Poor Ryan, but this is just plain awkward. Talk about being unintentionally too involved in someone’s breakup. We bet both Ryan and this neighbor wished there were earplugs in the lobby instead of the occasional candy dish.

Source: reddit
On to bigger and better things, maybe the breakup can lead to a neighborly friendship. By the looks of it, this may be really far down the list and that’s too bad. Is a neighbor breakup perhaps worse?
Uber Me Home Stat
You never know who’s Uber you’re about to get into and you can meet some interesting people, but what if you got into the Uber and it was your neighbor? Talk about not going out of your way, you’re literally both going home.

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It wouldn’t have been too much of a big deal except that this neighbor turned it into the biggest and most awkward drive imaginable. I don’t think this neighbor will be driving you again any time soon.
Checkers, You There?
The claws have come out, not of the cat’s. This neighbor was not messing around when he said, “Don’t bother me again.” The level of directness burns our ears and it wasn’t even directed towards us. Sometimes trying to do something too nice can backfire and you just get stuck with a stray cat and an angry neighbor.

Source: Reddit
We guess the cat’s out of the bag and “Checkers” can go back out onto the street. Good luck!
The Devil Woman
If you’ve named your neighbor “Devil Woman” in your phone that’s probably the ultimate sign that you’ve reached a whole new level with your neighbor. Understandably not the level you want to be with anyone, it’s far from a first-name basis.

Source: reddit
Good job to this other neighbor for taking the high road, especially after these demands. The nerve of some people.
Sneaky Neighbors
This neighbor was trying to do something nice and create a good relationship with his neighbors but it turns out he just got tricked. Things were not the same after this.

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Sometimes neighbors are too entitled and self-interested and this is exactly what happened here. These neighbors had a different assigned spot and tricked their neighbors into giving up their parking spot for no real reason other than their own comfort.
A Love Affair
It’s always a risk to get involved with your neighbors especially when they are already in relationships, not to mention that it is highly unethical. Phones lying around unattended did not come in favor of both these neighbors. Someone might have to move after this.

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Hopefully, these neighbors are not taking out the trash at the same time because things are about to get even more awkward if they do. Hopefully their schedule’s timing is better than their text timing.
Son of a Park
This parent holds no shame, nothing is more important than Ellen, including her son. This neighbor tried to do everything the right way by texting her neighbor first before confronting her son, but this neighbor could not care less.

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If you ever were to feel a virtual slap in the face it would probably go something like this. I guess the real lesson is when Ellen is on there is nothing more important. Hopefully she provides the same level of attention to her son during the times Ellen isn’t on.
Roses May Be Red But You're About to Be Blue
Whatever you do, don’t let trash be the reason you get on your neighbor’s bad side. This altercation could have been avoided with some simple etiquette and ground rules beforehand. We aren’t sure these two can recover.

Source: Reddit
At least one of them discovered a hidden talent. Maybe you’ll see them at the next spoken word. Either way, they may have said their last words to this neighbor.
Catching Up on the Wrong Foot
Talking about a friendly neighbor’s innocent hello in the halls turned awkward. I guess not everyone is built for some morning neighborly chit-chat but if you’re going to confront your neighbor about it, doing it over text may not be the best way to do it.

Source: Reddit
Middle fingers were thrown and unfortunately, sometimes all you have to do is carry on with a smile and try to keep your boundaries as much as you can.
Cleaning with a Smile
Loud neighbors are the worst. No one wants to hear their neighbors crashing and moving around in the early hours of the morning, especially when you’re still trying to sleep. You know what’s worse though? Vacuming at 1:40A.M. Passive aggressive texts may not be the best way to handle the situation but who can be mature at this hour?

Source: reddit
Whether or not you agree with how this neighbor handled the situation, we can all get a kick out of picturing your neighbor wiggling around while vacuuming at these unholy hours. Thankfully it’s not our neighbor.
It's Pool Time, America! 🗽
The 4th of July is a day to celebrate Independence for America, not so much independence from your neighbors. It looks like this neighbor didn’t get the memo. A good 4th of July party would not be complete with barbeque, pool time, and some loved ones but this neighbor in a biker crew had other ideas.

Source: Reddit
This is the least of what can happen when you text your neighbors to disinvite them from your party in a not-so-friendly way, especially to the building’s pool. The key word being that it’s the building’s, sorry-not-sorry you don’t make the rules.
When Pigs Fly Come Talk to Us
When you’re renting an apartment a lot of owners don’t allow pets, but if you’re lucky enough to hit the jackpot, your apartment is animal-friendly. Your typical neighbors might have a dog, a cat, or even the occasional rabbit, but these neighbors went an unconventional route. If you can, you might as well milk every perk, right?

Source: Reddit
These neighbors put Megan from 2A in her place, who are we to judge? Some people keep pigs as pets while others date them. To each their own, we just hope these neighbors can work it out and that the hallways still smell nice after this interaction.
Cookie Monster Next Door
Being a good neighbor is no easy task, you need to make sure no strangers are claiming their packages as their own or stealing things off their porch. Sometimes the best neighborly thing to do is to take their packages and keep them in a safe place for when they return.

Source: Reddit
This neighbor had the right idea to start but took an unexpected turn. Is collection tax even a real thing amongst neighbors? Cookie stealing seems like it shouldn’t be included. Who knows maybe the neighbor who was expecting cookies would have shared some as a thank you. I guess we will never know for sure, but we can safely assume that cookies will be hidden from now on.
Blacklight Apartment
Perhaps showing an apartment while the current tenants aren’t home in it in itself isn’t the best idea, it all depends on your definition of privacy. Living next door to your landlord isn’t all fun and games because if you damage something or don’t maintain it you can’t hide it for long. That’s exactly what happened here.

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They didn’t even have time to hastily clean, good thing they aren’t renewing their lease at least. This tenant forgot to mention some unexpected stains and we don’t think we want to know exactly the backstory behind this one. Ignorance can be bliss.
Pizza Buzz
One of the most recurring issues of living in an older apartment is that the buzzer doesn’t always work. As time goes on there may be a different designated buzzer apartment that gets all the visitors forwarded to him, becoming the buzzer for all. We’ve all had to see with being on both ends of the stick.

Source: Reddit
This neighbor had to deal with just that but instead of checking in with his neighbor he just assumed that he was going to be home to be the designated buzzer of the evening. Easily enough that was not the case and there may have been pizza harmed as the night went on.