Plumbers in Bulgaria Discover Remains of “Crypto King” in the Sewer

By: Lauren Fokas | Last updated: Nov 22, 2023

Horrified plumbers in Sofia, Bulgaria found a dismembered body in a toilet when they were called to fix the malfunctioning appliance.

Police in Bulgaria have announced that the body is that of Christian Peev, a 41-year-old American and Bulgarian citizen who made a fortune from cryptocurrency, and was therefore dubbed, the “Crypto King.”

Plumbers Found a Dismembered Body in the Toilet

When plumbers in Sofia were called to fix a backed up toilet, they had no idea what they were about to find. 


Source: LovetoKnow

The plumbers were in complete shock when they realized the blockage was caused by parts of a human body within the pipes that led to the city’s sewage. Of course, they immediately called the police to the scene. 

The Police Investigation Begins with Identifying the Body

After carefully removing the body parts from the toilet and sewage pipes, the Bulgarian police began their investigation to find out exactly whose body the plumbers had found. 


Source: Hristo Rusev/Getty Images

It didn’t take them long to identify the dismembered body as that of Christian Peev, a citizen of Bulgaria and Sofia resident who was only 41 years old when he was murdered. 

Who Killed Chrisitan Peev?

The body of Chrisitan Peev was found in the home of Vesco Valchinov. Nearby security cameras were checked, and the police could clearly see Peev and Valchinov entering the home on the night of August 8th. 


Source: Facebook

The next day, on August 9th, Vesco Valchinov is seen leaving his home alone. According to police reports, Vesco Valchinov came home and went out again several times that day, but never with Christian by his side. 

Further Investigation Found the Murder Weapon to Be a Dumbbell

During the crime scene investigation, the police determined that the victim, Christian Peev, was beaten to death. 


Source: Facebook

They apparently found a dumbbell that they identified as the murder weapon, though police have yet to release more details about the encounter which led to Peev’s murder, such as a physical altercation or other forms of violence. 

Accomplice of the Murder of Christian Peev Confesses

In their investigation, the police contacted Konstantin Subotinov, a friend of alleged murderer Vesco Valchinov. While being detained and interviewed by the police, Subotinov confessed to helping Valchinov hide the body. 

Source: Facebook

He admitted that he helped the killer hide the parts of the victim’s body that wouldn’t fit in the toilet, such as the head and skeleton. The two allegedly took the body parts in Subotinov’s car to the nearby town of Vitosha and buried them there. 


Who Was Christian Peev?

Christian Peev shared dual citizenship in Bulgaria and the USA. He attended university in the states and spent time in both countries throughout his adult life. 

Source: Akahi News

After making an exorbitant amount of money from crypto investments, Christian Peev apparently lived quite a luxurious lifestyle and was the life of every party. 


Explaining Peev’s Nickname “Crypto King”

It’s important to understand that while Christian Peev was known as the “Crypto King,” he was not the only person to receive the nickname. Essentially, anyone who makes an exceptional amount of money through trading the online currency may call themselves or be called the “Crypto King.”

Source: Crypto King/YouTube

Christian’s crypto earnings haven’t been shared with the public; however, reports state that he made several million dollars through the decentralized digital currency. 


How Did the Alleged Murderer Know Christian?

Supposedly, Christian Peev used his immense crypto wealth to enjoy the high life. He was often seen at luxurious high-society parties. 

Source: bbernard/Fair Observer

At one of these many parties, Vesco Valchinov was working as a bartender. According to sources, the two men met and became friends. Sadly, this friendship would eventually lead to Peev’s untimely and violent death.


Why Did Vesco Valchinov Murder His So-Called Friend?

The police have not yet confirmed any motive for why alleged murderer Vesco Valchinov killed his so-called friend. 

Source: Chesnot/Getty Images

Though due to the fact that Christian Peev was incredibly wealthy from his crypto investments, investigators and the general public believe that somehow, the reason for the murder was financial. However, there is no evidence yet to support this theory. 


Vesco Valchinov Has Been Arrested

Police in Bulgaria have apprehended and arrested Vesco Valchinov for the crime of murdering his friend, Christian Peev, the Crypto King. 

Source: Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite

While proceedings will continue before Vesco Valchinov is officially charged and sentenced, it seems that there is more than substantial evidence, including the confession from his accomplice, Konstantin Subotinov, for a conviction. 


The Public Awaits More Details

Currently, this is all the information the public has access to regarding the murder of Christian Peev. 

Source: CoinMarketCap

And while the details are certainly shocking, graphic, and horrific, the public is patiently awaiting more information from the Bulgarian police as to how and why this tragic murder occurred. 
