The Astounding Tale Of The Boy Who Won’t Stop Growing
Even though many people around the world have normal lives and grew up without facing any standout challenges, Broc Brown’s life is quite different. The lad is one of the tallest people on the planet, and that didn’t come without its fair share of ridicule.
That aside, Brown suffered chronic pain, and his family spent all their fortune getting him custom furniture and clothing. Yet, all that changed when he appeared in public a couple of times. This is the story of how Broc’s height changed his life.
He Was An Average Child
When Broc was delivered, his mother, Darci Moss Elliot, and the doctors believed he was an average boy, and considering that he weighed under eight pounds and was 22 inches long, they had no reason to doubt. Nevertheless, it didn’t take long for Darci to realize that her child was not like the other children.

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After they went home, Brown’s mom soon noticed that her child was growing rather quickly compared to the other children. Still, she didn’t think anything was amiss.
Unstoppable Growth Spurts
Soon, young Broc was outgrowing all the clothes his parents had bought for him, and the onesies couldn’t fit him anymore. Even though he was happy, energetic, and active, he was maturing faster than his peers.

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As much as growth spurts are normal, Broc’s life seemed like he was constantly growing, with no pause. Kindergarten was soon calling, Broc had to go to school, and someone made an observation that changed the course of his life.
He Eclipsed Over Other Kindergarteners
For the most part, parents would say that their children are growing faster than they should be, but Brown’s case was different. His mom, Darci, knew he was growing at a faster-than-average rate, and she confirmed this on his first day in kindergarten.

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At 5 foot 2 inches tall, Darci noticed that Brown was taller than the rest of the children, towing over them. At that age, about five years, most children in America are about 3 foot 6 inches tall. So he was way taller than everyone.
He Continued Growing Exponentially
Even though some kids take a long time before they reach their parents’ heights, Broc was the same height as his mother by the time he was in first grade. Darci watched in awe as her son grew exponentially fast, but soon she started getting worried. What was happening to her child?

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According to Broc’s aunt Stacy Snyder, teaching him how to ride a bike was challenging. She quipped, “When he was small, he couldn’t ride a bike, but when you’re trying to teach a 6-year-old who’s the same size as you, it’s hard. You can’t stabilize him.”
She Treated Him Like A Child
Even with his insane growth rate, Darci still treated Broc like a kid, but it was difficult. The boy couldn’t play the same way his peers would, and it was becoming increasingly hard for him to complete the regular everyday tasks.

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Darci commented, “When you have a five-year-old who has hurt themselves, and they come running at you, you pick them up. I would carry him around when he was half the size of me, so I have a lot of back problems.”
The First Doctor's Trip
Concerned about her son’s rapid growth, Darci decided to find some answers, and she suspected that it was caused by something worse than the normal growth spurt. So they went to their family doctor for Broc’s thorough checkup and were referred to another physician.

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The doctor did numerous tests, and when the results came back, Darci and her son Broc had the answers they were seeking and, better yet, a proper diagnosis.
A Rare Case Of Cerebral Gigantism
Broc went for an extensive checkup when he was only five years old and was diagnosed with a rare condition affecting one in 15,000 people. The boy was diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome, also known as “cerebral gigantism.”

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The diagnosis changed Broc and his mother Darci’s life, and she constantly worried about his health and future. She mulled, “There’s nothing that can stop him from growing – I don’t know if he will ever stop.”
A Lot To Worry About
Considering that Sotos Syndrome was incredibly rare when Brown’s family first found out about the diagnosis, they didn’t have much information. Darci only thought that her child would grow faster than the other children in his class.

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Woefully, Sotos Syndrome has more life-threatening effects, and the doctors explained to the family that Broc might not live past his teenage years. Nonetheless, the practitioners also clarified that there were no current treatments for the diagnosis.
Sotos Syndrome Expectations
As per the typical symptoms of people born with Sotos Syndrome, they experience speedy growth throughout their lifetime, where they swiftly outgrow their peers. From a young age, they quickly surpass their parents and older siblings.

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Normally, children with cerebral gigantism grow expeditiously until they are adults. Then, they end up being the same height as many people in the same age group. Nonetheless, that was not the case for Broc, he didn’t follow the Sotos Syndrome description.
Growing Through His Teenage Years
It’s normal for children to undergo significant growth changes during puberty; that’s where most growth spurts occur. Broc was no different; he had a massive growth spurt; the only difference was he grew taller than all his classmates.

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The growth didn’t stop there; it continued past middle school and into high school. Yet, that didn’t stop Broc from enjoying his teenage years. He was a typical teenager who spent time playing outside and fishing with his friends. Yet, by the time he was fourteen, he was a whopping six feet tall.
He Grew Quicker Than Other People With Sotos Syndrome
Even though Broc’s mother was concerned about his exponential growth, the doctors keeping an eye on the boy noticed that he was growing taller than people with Sotos Syndrome. This made them more worried about his overall health.

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At first, the physicians predicted that Broc wouldn’t make it to early adulthood, but with his rapid growth, they were now concerned that he might sadly not make it to age 15. According to the doctors, his development was too fast for any human body to maintain.
He Goes Through A Lot Of Pain
Expeditious growth can be pretty challenging on the human body, especially the heart, and Broc grew up experiencing a lot of physical pain. In addition, the boy suffered from a strained spine, sporadic explosive disorder, some learning disabilities, and ADHD.

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In addition, Broc was born with one kidney, which made it difficult for his body to process the painkillers. Broc commented, “It kind of feels like a big tennis racket has gone through my back. I do stuff to stop it hurting, and it makes me feel like there’s a needle gone through it – it’s hard to deal with.”
He Requires Loads Of Rest
Since it’s difficult for Broc’s body to process any meds, he doesn’t take medications like Advil and Tylenol. That has pushed his family to adapt, and to ensure that he is comfortable, they made him a custom bed that fits his massive frame. Apart from that, he also has a special chair that costs his family $1000.

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During his growth spurts, Broc has to sleep up to 16 hours a day and get enough rest. That is because he has no energy to stay awake, as it’s all used in the growth process.
He Has A Big Heart
Despite the excruciating pain and daily life struggles, Broc has managed to keep the optimism flowing. People around him, his family, and friends have experienced his positive vibe, and as per his aunt Stacy, he “takes on his condition day by day with a smile on his face.”

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His mother has also commented about Broc’s optimism, adding, “Overall he is a big softie, his heart is as big as his body.” While he has come to terms with the enormity of his condition, he is still as cheerful as ever, saying, “I just wish the doctors could do something to help my pain.”
Prepared To Have A Full Life Experience
Because of cerebral gigantism, Broc has a difficult time enjoying doing what everyone else does. The condition has made it challenging for him to stand for long periods, and it’s nearly impossible for him to fit in spaces like cars, airplanes, restaurant booths, and movie theaters.

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Fortunately, Broc was given an opportunity to travel miles away from his home, something that would change his life forever. As expected, he was over the moon when he was informed about the trip.
A Guinness World Record In The Bag
When you grow up in a small town with about 30,000 people and a height like Broc’s, chances are you’d become a local celebrity. The boy, born in Jackson, Michigan, had become so popular that his story became national news.

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Due to his massive size, Broc held the Guinness World Record for the tallest teenager in the world until he turned 20 in 2015. Since he was no longer a teen, he couldn’t hold the record anymore.
He Finally Found His Tribe
Considering that Broc’s condition is quite rare, it was a mind-blowing experience when he met people his age who also had Sotos Syndrome. Broc met the teenagers when he was featured in a TLC documentary called “Tallest Teens” in 2016, where the production followed the lives of teens who’d surpassed their peers in the growth department.

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Through the documentary, Broc knew he wasn’t alone and didn’t have to deal with the issues alone. While it was an incredible experience, his life was about to take a more significant turn.
Becoming The Tallest Man In The World
The older Broc grew, his growth rate also increased significantly. By the time he turned 19, he was already an astonishing 7 foot 8 inches tall and going. The lad is growing at an astounding rate of 6 inches each year, and if he continues with that rate, he could quickly become the tallest man in the world.

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Since the TLC documentary was released, Americans have been closely following Broc’s story and are now concerned about his health and well-being.
The Family's Financial Struggles
Due to his condition, Broc’s family had to spend a lot of money on medical bills, and they spent more on his clothes. The boy’s rapid growth meant that he outgrew his wardrobe every year, and on top of that, they had to order special sizes, which were more expensive since he didn’t fit into the standard sizes.

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Apart from that, the family had to get unique furniture for Broc to make him feel comfortable and confident. Considering that most of the furniture he uses is custom-made for him, Broc’s family has taken a financial hit from the expenses.
More Television Appearances
After the TLC “Tallest Teens” documentary had aired, Broc continued to make television appearances, showcasing his bravery. In 2016, Broc and his mother appeared on a special episode of The Maury Show, where they discussed the boy’s experience with bullying because of his height.

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Many people supported Broc after the television interview, and his bravery touched the hearts of a lot of fans. Yet, the lad had no idea how his story and honesty would impact everyone who’d heard about him and his struggles.
He Got Loads Of Support
Broc’s appearance on The Maury Show and what he said had a massive impact on nationwide audiences. Most Americans have been bullied in one way or another, and anyone who was stirred by his story on the show contacted Broc to support him.

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The boy also received messages from children who had been affected by the same condition as him. While his family was happy with all the support and encouragement Broc was getting, they were worried about paying for his medical expenses.
The Community Came Through
As much as Broc’s family did everything they could to ensure that Broc was well taken care of, sometimes the financial burden was too heavy for them, and they needed some help. As such, they decided to launch “The Support Page for Broc D Brown” on Facebook, which accumulated over 15,000 likes after the TLC documentary was released.

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Back home, the Michigan community also came together and formed some welfare organizations for Broc’s family, where they raised over $10,000 for his healthcare.
Broc Was Taller Than NBA Players
With support coming in numerous shapes and forms, Broc and his family were stunned by all the donations they received. For example, one anonymous donor gave the boy tickets to a Detroit Pistons basketball game through “The Support Page for Broc D Brown,” and he met some players.

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As expected, Broc was a bit taller than some of the NBA stars, and for a while, he forgot about his condition. Although Broc’s mom Darci was grateful for all the help they were receiving, she noticed that her son outgrew all the clothes within a year.
Grateful For The Help
Broc and his family were incredibly grateful for all the help people from far and wide had given them, but his mother couldn’t help but worry about his future. Yet, Broc wasn’t worried about his future; he always maintained his positive demeanor throughout.

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All he was excited about was the donations he was getting, along with the giant Nike sneakers he received. According to his aunt Stacy Snyder, Broc never complained about his situation or condition but was always thankful for the support he received.
He Received Support From A Footwear Company
When Feetz, a shoe company based in California, heard about Broc’s story, they decided to hip in. They used 3-D printing technology to make shoes specifically for the boy’s huge feet. The moment Broc received his first pair of shoes, he was elated, saying, “Heck, I don’t like them. I love them. Thank you!”

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These thoughtful donations helped distract Broc from his condition and made him feel loved and wanted. Little did he know, though, that there was more to come.
A Maiden Air Trip
In another fantastic development, Broc’s family planned for him to board a special plane for a 1,000-mile trip to Arkansas to see a genetic specialist. The lad flew to meet Dr. Bradley Schaefer of Arkansas Children’s Hospital, who was researching Sotos Syndrome.

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While Dr. Schaefer wasn’t sure whether he would be able to deal with Broc’s persistent spinal pain, he had some news that would be mighty helpful to the boy.
A Specialist Delivers Some Positive News
After he was diagnosed with Sotos Syndrome, Broc was told that his chances of making it to early adulthood were slim. Yet, Dr. Schaefer gave him a different prognosis admitting that he had proven his doctors wrong when it came to life expectancy.

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Dr. Schaefer gave Broc the best news he had gotten in a while, telling him that he was no longer at risk of having a short life. The doctor quipped, “Broc is easily the tallest man I have ever seen.” Unfortunately, he will always have to deal with some form of pain, but I believe that he will now have a regular lifespan.”
The Best News Ever
When Broc’s family heard the news, they were understandably delighted, with Broc commenting, “It’s the best thing I could have heard. I’m so happy that I will live for a long time.” Nonetheless, Broc’s mother, Darci, broke down in tears when Dr. Schaefer told her that Broc would have a regular lifespan.

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Even so, the doctors aren’t sure whether Broc will continue growing once he becomes an adult or if he’ll stop. Either way, Broc is undoubtedly happy that he’ll get to experience adulthood, regardless of what the future holds.
An Inspiration To All
Broc Brown isn’t one to give up quickly, and he has some dreams he wants to achieve. The boy commendably stated, “I hopefully want to work for a sporting goods store, so something like that, a cashier or something. “I just want to have my own job.”

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His mother, Darci, is graceful with her son and doesn’t want to push him into doing something he doesn’t like. The doting mum commented, “I just hope he has a good life and is happy with everything he ever does.” The two are looking forward to spending many more years together.
What Does The Future Hold?
Currently, Sultan Kosen is the world’s tallest man, with an astonishing height of 8 feet and 2 inches. Kosen lives in Turkey, and if Broc’s growth is anything to go by, he might not be the tallest man in the world for long.

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As of 2019, Broc was 7 feet and 8 inches tall, and with his incredible growth rate, it wouldn’t be surprising to see him become the world’s tallest man. Whether Broc breaks records is not important to him; he now knows he has a bright and prosperous future.