Woman Walks Out Of A Church – The Pastor Said That Giving Money Answers Prayers

By: Alec Donaldson | Published: Oct 08, 2023

When Christians relocate, they often embark on a journey to find a new place of worship. This experience proved challenging for a 23-year-old woman, who shared her encounter on social media. Initially greeted with warmth at her chosen church, an unexpected twist during the sermon raised intriguing questions about church etiquette and individual beliefs.

She Attended A Service

The young woman’s quest began when she opted to switch churches due to the impracticality of the lengthy commute. Fueled by curiosity and a desire to connect with a new congregation, she researched nearby churches. After careful consideration, she selected one that seemed promising and attended a service.


Source: Freepik

The Pastor

The initial impression was positive; the congregation welcomed her warmly, and the ambiance was pleasant. However, the tone shifted when the sermon commenced, taking an unforeseen direction as the pastor emphasized a theological perspective that linked financial contributions to prayer fulfillment and a joyful life.


Source: iStock

She Walked Out

According to the woman’s account, the pastor suggested that contributing monetarily to the church was a prerequisite for answered prayers and a contented life. Feeling unsettled by this message and unwilling to compromise her convictions, the woman made a discreet exit.


Source: sei80.com

Her Dilemma

Though her departure was discreet, it attracted attention due to the intimate setting. “This particular church is very popular but the location I attended was small so you could see me walk out. I just walked out quietly and did not disturb the sermon but now I am wondering if I should have just sat through it and just not [attended] again,” she wrote.


Source: ChristinLola/ iStock

A Representative Reached Out To The Woman

Within days, the church reached out to her using the contact information from a guest card she had filled out. A representative conveyed that her departure had been perceived as impolite and disruptive to the service. The woman recounted, “A representative of the church reached out to me. They got my number from the guest card. She stated that it was rude of me [to walk out] during the sermon.”

Source: Pexels


Clashing Values

This incident prompted an internal struggle for the woman, highlighting the delicate balance between individual beliefs, church etiquette, and social norms. She wrestled with maintaining personal integrity by acting on her convictions while momentarily worrying if she had breached cultural norms of courtesy and respect within the church context.

Source: Pexels


She Turned To Social Media

Uncertain about her stance, the young woman turned to social media to gather opinions from strangers. “Part of me feels like I did [the] right thing but another part of me wonders if I should have better manners,” she said. The response overwhelmingly favored her decision.

Source: tech.walla.co.il


The Internet's Reaction

The online community reacted, with some individuals even accusing her church of manipulation. “Churches soliciting money and threatening people with the prospect of going to Heaven is so abusive,” one person commented. “There’s a church near me that requires people to give them access to 10% of their check and still donate cash every Sunday,” another added. ‘That’s a cult,” a third person responded.

Source: Unsplash


They Said She Had Been Polite

People reassured the woman, many stating she had acted politely. One supporter emphasized, “You’re trying to find the right church for you and they made it very evidently clear that it isn’t the right kind of environment you’re looking for. You politely left so as to not waste their time.”

Source: Freepik


Turning To The Bible

Biblical references were used to console her. Someone pointed out, “Not religious myself but I grew up in a religious town [and] in a religious school and I am pretty sure that the Bible says that Jesus chased people out of temples for trying to make a profit in the house of God. Go somewhere else. That isn’t a church, it’s a scam.”

Source: Freepik


"Organized Religion Is A Scam"

Some comments criticized organized religion in general. “Religion is a business. Do with that what you will,” one person stated. “Welcome to what is most Christian churches,” another responded. “Organized religion is a scam. I’d advise you to get out now and focus on your personal spirituality and relationship with God,” a third added.

Source: Deposit Photos


People Doubted Her Story

Doubt was cast on the woman’s account by some. “Nobody went and found your phone number, a total stranger, to call you and say that you were rude for walking out of church early. How bored and craving attention are you that you need to make up [stuff] like this? Is your life really that bleak?” one person wrote.

Source: GOLUBOVY/ Getty Images/iStockphoto


The Church Was Being Intrusive

Critics contended that even if she had remained for the entire service and never returned, she would have received an irate phone call. “You would still have received the same call in a different context a few weeks later with them claiming it was rude of you to attend just once and never return. Imagine being this intrusive, rude, and frankly controlling to someone who isn’t even a member. Their response to you just proved you did the right thing by leaving and not giving them a minute more of your time. What on earth gives them the right to call and scold a grown adult?”

Source: AJ_Watt/ Getty Images
